Friday, October 4, 2019

With a Big List to Port -- October 4, 2019

San Francisco Call, 19-November-1896
This drawing is from the 19-November-1896 San Francisco Call. William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the newspaper.

Although Now on an Even
Keel No One Will
Insure Her.

What will be done with the British tramp steamer Amarapoora is still a matter of doubt. The underwriters refuse to insure her and in consequence the owners of the cargo aboard will not allow the vessel to sail. That the Amarapoora is top heavy there can be no doubt.

All of Monday she lay in the stream with a list to port. Yesterday with the transfer of several tons of cargo from port to starboard she straightened up and is now on an even keel. Every inch of space on the steamer has been utilized and a schooner has been chartered to take away the freight left on Lombard-street wharf which she could not carry. All day she lay with steam up, but no satisfactory understanding could be reached, so the Amarapoora had to remain at anchor. She is one of the longest vessels in port for her beam, being 350 feet long and only 20 feet broad, while her depth of hold is 11 feet. The chances are still that the captain will have to dock her again and take off some of the deck load.

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