Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Jean Navarre Falls to Death Close to Paris -- July 10, 2019

Corpus Christi Caller, 11-July-1919
100 years ago today, on 10-July-1919, pioneering French ace Jean Navarre, who had survived four years of flying during the war, died in a crash as he rehearsed his plan to defy orders, buzz the Victory Parade on Bastille Day and  fly under the Arc de Triomphe. The story after the newspaper article explains some of his "eccentric escapades."  

Airplane Crashes to Ground
in Attempt to Avoid
Collision in Air

By the Associated Press.
PARIS, July 10 -- Sub-Lieutenant Jean Navarre who was one of the first aces among the French aviators during the war and who was withdrawn from the service because of his eccentric escapades, fell while flying in the vicinity of Versailles this afternoon and died soon after in a military hospital.

He was to land at the airdrome at Villacoublay, when, in trying to avoid a collision with other machines, his airplane crashed.

Navarre was officially credited with bringing down 12 enemy airplanes, although the Paris newspapers, during the latter part of his service in the French aviation corps, credited him with the destruction of 19 enemy machines.

He was awarded several decorations by the French government for his exploits in action against enemy aviators. In April 1917, after his retirement from the service, he was arrested and placed in a military prison charged with having run down several policemen of Paris with his automobile. After his release, it was reported that he intended to go to the United States as an instructor in aviation.

Flying, November, 1917

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