Monday, July 15, 2019

Entire Crew Lost When British Dirigible Burns -- July 15, 2019

Lake County, Indiana Times, 18-July-1919
100 years ago today, on 15-July-1919, Royal Air Force blimp NS-11 burned and fell into the sea near Norfolk.  All hands were lost.  


The British non-rigid dirigible NS-11 recently went down in flames off Norfolk, England, and not a single member of the crew of twelve could be found. It is believed the dirigible was struck by lightning. Persons on shore heard two explosions. The ship had left Pelham, where the R-34 is quartered, to help a mine sweeper. During the war the NS-11 spotted submarines and mines. At one time it flew 1,000 miles over the North sea in 40 1/2 hours without a stop.

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