Monday, July 29, 2019

Babe Ruth Drives Out a Homer Credited as the Longest in Philadelphia History - July 29, 2019

Connecticut Labor Press, 12-July-1919
100 years ago this month, Babe Ruth of the Red Sox hit two monster home runs during a double header at Shibe Park in Philadelphia against the Athletics. George Burns (not the comedian) played first base for several American League teams including the Athletics. 

"Babe" Ruth Drives Out a
Homer Credited as Longest
in Philadelphia's History

During the activities at the Athletics ground at Philadelphia on Memorial day, "Babe" Ruth, who pitched in the morning and played left field in the afternoon game, delivered two of the longest drives that have ever been made at any ball park. In the sixth inning of the morning game Ruth drove the ball not only over the right field wall, but over the roofs of the houses on the opposite side of the street, -the ball going about ten feet foul, and then in the eighth inning of the afternoon game, with the score tied at one run each and Strunk on first, Ruth drove one of Scott Pery's pitches over the roofs of the houses on the opposite side of the street, a fair ball, the ball striking on the rear of the roof of one of the houses and bounding into the back yard.

The longest hit at Shibe park, previous to this was the one George Burns hit over the left field wall last season, when the ball cleared the back bleacher wall and struck on the opposite side of the street. Ruth's long hit traveled a considerable distance further than Burns' drive and stops all argument as to the longest hit ever made at this park.

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