Monday, April 15, 2019

Notre Dame de Paris is On Fire -- April 15, 2019

ABC News
Notre Dame de Paris is on fire.  I hope no one has been hurt.  The spire has collapsed.  I hope they can save the church.

Update 3:15 pm.  The fire is out.  The towers are still standing.  The church is gutted but the walls are still standing.  One firefighter was badly injured. Some of the art works and relics were saved.

Update 18-April-2019.  Fire Department Chaplin the Reverend Jean-Marc Fournier, led a group of 100 firefighters in rescuing relics and works of art. They had practiced this twice during drills last year. His two main targets were the crown of thorns and the Holy Eucharist.  Both were saved, along with many other relics and works of art.

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