Thursday, November 1, 2018

November, 2018 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- November 1, 2018

OpenSFHistory / wnp37.04185.jpg
I just put the November, 2018 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: At the corner of Fillmore and Broadway, Fillmore Hill counterbalance car 623 waits for passengers to transfer from a 22-Fillmore streetcar before it plunges down the hill. Photo circa 1940. (Source: OpenSFHistory / wnp37.04185.jpg).
2. On the San Francisco page: A ten and twenty year update on San Francisco's Fillmore Hill Counterbalance
3. On the Los Angeles area funiculars page: A note about the movie La La Land, which includes a scene shot on Angels Flight while it was out of service.

Ten years ago this month (November, 2008):
1. Picture of the Month: A postcard shows two Fillmore Hill counterbalance cars during the White Front era
2. On the San Francisco page: Updates to the article about the Fillmore Hill Counterbalance, including two newspaper articles about accidents:
- Car Crashes Down Fillmore Hill/Fastenings Give Way and Passengers Narrowly Escape Serious Harm (San Francisco Call, Wednesday, August 8, 1906)
- Cars Crash Together On The Fillmore Hill/Rod Gives Away, but Cable Holds and Serious Mishap Is Averted (San Francisco Call, Monday, July 8, 1907)
3. On the Cable Car Models page, photos of a large wooden model of Powell Street car 16 recently unveiled at the Cable Car Museum
4. Also on the Cable Car Models page, more information about Norm Pythian's cable car simulation
5. Added a Chronology item about a plaque placed at the powerhouse of the Consolidated Piedmont Cable Company by the The Friends of the Cable Car Museum
6. Added News and Bibliography items about a loose strand stopping Powell Street service

Twenty years ago this month (November, 1998):
1. Picture of the Month: Broadway, NY accident.
2. Add Broadway, NY picture and two Cal Cable wreck photos to How page
3. Add information about bells & brakes to the How page
4. Add thanks to Joe Lacey and quote him on bells on the How page
5. Add article about Fillmore Hill counterbalance to the SF Miscellany section
6. Add information about turntable helpers to news & bibliography
7. Add link to EHRA, replacing SF Online link
8. Add link to Rick Russel's The Trolley Stop and Seashore Trolley Museum pages.

125 years ago this month, on 01-November-1893, Oakland's Consolidated Piedmont Cable Company went into receivership. It was reorganized as the Piedmont and Mountain View Railway

125 years ago this month, on 05-November-1893, a train of the Chicago City Railway killed actor Daniel J Hart on State Street, near Jackson

100 years ago this month, on 11-November-1918, the Armistice ended World War One

Coming in December, 2018: Christmas on the Cables.

On my San Francisco Bay Ferryboats page: I added another "Ferry Tales" column from the San Francisco Call
The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-November-2018)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-October-2018)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 31-October-2018)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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