Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Great Earthquake of 1868 -- October 21, 2018

Daily Alta California, 22-October-1868
150 years ago today, on 21-October-1868, a strong earthquake, now known as the Hayward Earthquake, hit the San Francisco Bay Area. This was the last big quake so far on the Hayward Fault.  Please excuse the racism.  


San Francisco Thoroughly Excited — The Various Courts, City Hall, Custom House, Post Office, Stock Exchange and Public Schools Closed — Business Generally Suspended — Great Damage in the Lower Part of the City — Four Lives Lost — No Damage Done on the Hills — No Properly Constructed Buildings Injured — Partial List or the Casualties and Disasters.

At precisely six minutes to eight o'clock yesterday morning, the most severe earthquake which has occurred since the occupation of California by the Americans shook our city. The general excitement prevailing throughout the city renders it difficult to give anything like an accurate account of the amount of damage done or the number of casualties. This is the first earthquake that has ever caused loss of life in San Francisco, and the amount of damage caused is unquestionably greater than that caused by the great shock of October 8th, 1865.


This earthquake differed in many particulars from any which had previously visited our city. The morning was moderately warm, and a dense fog covered the town. There was not a trace of breeze perceptible in the town, but the telegraph from Point Lobos says, "Wind northwest." The first indication of the approach of the earthquake was a slight rumbling sound, as of something rolling along a sidewalk, coming apparently from the direction of the ocean. Whether this proceeded from beneath the surface of the earth or from the agitation of loose bodies on the surface of the earth is uncertain; the most general opinion appears to be that it was from the latter. The shock commenced in the form of slow horizontal movements, the effect being precisely such as would be produced on a frail wooden building by a person shaking the door violently in an attempt to force it open. The motion was purely horizontal, not perpendicular, as in the great earthquake of 1865. The oscillations continued from ten to fifteen seconds, growing more rapid and more violent for six or seven seconds, then partially ceasing for three or four seconds, then increasing in force and rapidity for four or five seconds, then suddenly ceasing. The motion was so great that water was thrown over both sides of a pail not more than two-thirds full, which was sitting on the ground on the summit of Russian Hill, where the shock was felt with less force than in any other part of the city. At 17½ minutes to 9 o'clock there was a very slight shock, just perceptible, but it coming on the heels of the great one, people generally rushed into the street, apprehensive of what might follow. At 23 minutes past 10 A. M. a third shock, quite a sharp one, was felt, and a panic was created on the principal streets, crowds rushing in frantic and foolish excitement from every building and running madly along the sidewalks without any clear idea of where they were going or what they wished to do. At 11 A. M. precisely a fourth and very slight shock was felt. The fog cleared away and the sun shone out in a cloudless sky, while a slight breeze sprung up at 11 A. M. At 3 P. M. there was a slight shock, and tremors more or less severe were occasionally felt during the afternoon and evening.


The great shock of 1868 produced a wholly different effect on buildings, from that of 1865. In October, 1865, glass was broken and shivered to atoms in all the lower part of the city by the perpendicular oscillation, while comparatively few walls were shaken down or badly injured. The earthquake of yesterday broke very little glass in any part of the city, but the damage by the falling of cornices, awnings and walls was immense. West of Stockton street and north of Geary street no damage of any kind worthy of mention was done; a stranger passing through that part of the town would fail to discover any traces of the great commotion which had just occurred. Occasionally a little plastering was shaken down, or the wall of some old or poorly constructed brick building was slightly opened, but beyond there was nothing. On Rincon Hill the effect was very much the same.

Coming down from the upper part of the city the first serious effects of the earthquake which we noticed was at the drug store at the southeast corner of Dupont and Washington streets, the windows of which were completely demolished. From this point eastward to the Bay, and southwards to Mission Bay, the destruction of windows and damage to walls increases.

The shock was principally felt on "made ground" and the flats where the foundation is known to be unreliable at all times. Eastward of Montgomery street, towards the bay there are a number of buildings injured, while some are utterly ruined. Along the old water line of the bay, running just back of Macondray's old place on the corner of Pine and Sansome streets, and thence diagonally northeastward towards the corner of Front and Jackson streets, something like a slide occurred, and buildings suffered severely from the slipping of the made-ground foundations on the old mud bottom of the bay. This effect is more marked at some points than others; at the old Railroad Hotel on Clay street, below Sansome, it is more marked than elsewhere.

On the eastern shore of the bay, and, in fact, all the way around it, everything built on the flats has suffered severely. It is a noticeable and gratifying fact that not a single building constructed as it should be in a city liable to earthquakes like San Francisco has suffered to any extent at all; this earthquake demonstrates the proposition that, with proper care in the construction of our buildings, San Francisco is as safe a place to live in at any on the Continent. But greater care must be taken hereafter, and we may learn a valuable lesson by this disaster, if we have the sense to profit by it.


The effect on men and animals of a great earthquake shock is peculiar. Men run into the street laughing as a rule, while women sink down and cry hysterically. This was generally the case yesterday. On the lower animals the effect is varied. Horses generally snort with terror, and many run away. Dogs take to barking violently and running about without any apparent object. A lady who was standing in a barn-yard feeding her fowls when the great shock came yesterday, tells us that the chickens all ran from her and took to the hen house, as if a shower had occurred, while a turkey ran to her and lay flat down on the ground at her feet, looking up in her face as if for protection.


When the great shock culminated, a stampede from every building in the city took place. Hundreds of horses on the streets, startled by the rush of people, took fright and ran away, adding to the danger and excitement of the moment. As the fire and battlement walls and heavy awnings were coming down in all the lower part of the city, numerous casualties, more or less severe occurred, and there was a considerable loss of life. Following is a list of all we have been able to ascertain — only four deaths:

On Taylor street, above Sutter, — ——, whilst working in the back yard, was killed by a falling chimney.

W. Strong, whilst rushing from the Scientific Press office, on Clay street, was struck by a piece of the falling cornice and instantly killed. He was a native of Connecticut, and aged 26 years.

William Best, a native of Ireland, whilst working in the yard of the Occidental Hotel, was killed by a falling chimney.

A tinsmith named Mansfield was killed by a falling piece of cornice on Clay street. His body was taken to Gray's undertaker establishment. A photograph of himself was found on the body. His face, head and one leg were terribly injured.

Mr. Chester, of 127 Kearny street, fell while coming down the front stairway of that building in his endeavor to reach the open air, and fractured his left leg just above the knee. Drs. Shipley and Trask were in immediate attendance, and the injured man received surgical assistance. Amputation will not be required.

The building on the southeast corner of Clay and Sansome streets lost all of its fire-wall. A portion of it fell on a young man named F. Nesbit, who at the moment was coming out of a restaurant. He was badly bruised on the arms and hands, but not dangerously hurt. He was at once conveyed to his residence at No. 547 Folsom street.

A man whose name we have been unable to learn was run over by a team at the junction of Third, Market and Kearny streets, and killed.

Mr. Blumenthal, proprietor of the Empire State Restaurant, below Kohler's Store, on Sansome street, was very severely injured; he was about running out of his restaurant, when he was struck on the head by some of the falling bricks from above, and knocked senseless, receiving severe cuts. He was conveyed across the street to the drug store and thence to his residence, where he now lies in a very critical condition.

There was a woman run over in front of the Nucleus Building, on Third street, and badly bruised.

A woman, whose name we omit by request, was passing the City Restaurant, on Clay street, below Montgomery, when the heavy battlement wall came down with a crash, carrying with it the wide wooden awning. She was struck by a timber which broke her leg, and inflicted other injuries of a serious character. She received immediate surgical assistance from Dr. Behrens.

A Chinaman, on Sacramento street, was badly hurt by the falling of a fire wall. He was taken in charge by his countrymen, and we could not learn the extent of his injuries.

A mason working on the walls of the new Calvary Church building, on corner of Post and Powell streets, is reported badly, if not fatally, injured, by falling from a scaffolding.

Mr. Rundell was bruised in the face by the toppling over of a marble mantel.

Ferd. Borneman, on Front street, rushed from the building and was knocked down by a horse, and had his leg broken.

Wm. H. Halsey, clerk for Mieggs and Gawley, pier No. 1, had his leg broken by the falling of a pile of lumber.

—  Staup broke his leg by falling through a skylight, on Pine street, below Battery.

A printer named Fair met with a similar accident at Bacon and Co.'s office, on Clay street.

At Lyon and Harrold's brewery, some eight or ten teams were engaged in loading for their daily rounds; at the first shock the teams made a stampede, seriously injuring several persons.

A young man, while jumping down stairs at Luetjen's Exchange, in Commercial street, between Kearny and Montgomery, broke his left leg, below the knee, in two places.

Joseph Nesbit was struck by a falling awning, on Sansome street, and was terribly injured about the head and in the region of the spine.

Late in the afternoon the corpse of a Chinaman, frightfully disfigured, was dug out from beneath the debris in front of Graves' wire works, on Clay street, between Sansome and Battery, and taken to the Coroner's office.

A lady residing in the southern part of the city had one of her legs broken by falling while attempting to escape to her house; and another lady, on Folsom street, had her leg broken in a similar manner.

At No. 216 Perry street, Dennis D. Collins jumped out of the first story of his dwelling-house into the street, and was seriously hurt, though not fatally.

Mr. Shaw, aged 50 years, was buried under the ruins of Coffey and Risdon's building on Market street. He was taken out at half-past ten A. M., but it is feared fatally injured.

Dominick, a moulder at the Union Foundry on First street, and a companion, whose name we did not learn, was struck by the falling bricks and seriously hurt.

Mr. Stallman, clerk with C. P. Rank and Co., barely escaped being crushed beneath the ruins, being on his way to the front of the store when the crash came.

Two of the clerks at the New Orleans Warehouse were slightly bruised, but were deterred from rushing out under the falling fire-wall, and thus saved their lives.

The list of minor casualties might be swelled to almost any extent, but we have no more space to devote to the subject to-day. All the fatal accidents have probably been enumerated; at least we trust so.


Any list of buildings damaged must be necessarily incomplete, and we can give only the most noticeable items as they come to our knowledge.

The large three story brick building, in part new, and consisting in part of the old structure, the roof being raised and the new walls built under it, known as Coffey and Risdon's building, on Market Square, at the intersection of Battery, Bush and Market streets, is a complete ruin. It was one of the most shabbily built man-traps in the city, and it is not to be wondered that it fell, but rather that it did not fall of itself. The casualties there occurring are mentioned elsewhere.

Vaughan, photographer, has furnished us with a view of Coffey and Risdon's building as it appeared after the shake.

The large brick building on the southeast corner of Sutter and Kearny streets, the front of which fell out some two years ago and was rebuilt, was greatly damaged, so much so that it is believed the entire building will have to be torn down.

Levi Strauss and Co.'s building, erected but a few months, at the corner of Kearny street and St. Mark's Place, is cracked through and through.

At the Nucleus Hotel, corner Market and Third streets, the chimney over the dining room fell clear through the roof, leaving an opening of nearly ten feet; luckily a number of the boarders, who were sitting at the breakfast table, had just got up. No considerable damage was done, except the breaking of a large quantity of dishes and tables.

At Reese's block, on Battery street, each of the fine large stores in this row of buildings received very severe shocks, the walls separating several inches, and the whole building sank in the same manner.

In the cellar of the store of Manheim, Schonwasser and Co. the floor gave way over six inches, and the whole cellar was filled with water in a very few moments.

In front of Sam Brannan's building known as the Masonic Hall, one of the large granite stones from the top of the building fell with terrible force, breaking through the sidewalk.

The Synagogue Emanu-El, on Sutter street, stood the test well, the only damage being that one of the fancy piers was broken off.

The Synagogue Sherith Israel, on Stockton street, was damaged to some extent, the front and part of the interior having given way.

The store of C. P. Rank and Co., No. 316 Sacramento street, is shaken completely to pieces. The front stands uninjured, but the side walls caved in, letting the roof and second floor down upon the goods for two thirds of the length of the building. Their stock is damaged to the extent of several thousand dollars. Their store at Redwood City was also ruined, the building being almost wholly demolished.

The old one-story brick building Nos. 313, 315, 317 and 319 California street, half way between Battery and Sansome, on the south side, was rendered a complete ruin. The basement walls caved in, letting down the floor, and the side walls piling on the top of it, and the roof falling in, completed the wreck.

Bancroft's book store building, at the corner of Montgomery and Merchant, is badly damaged, the front being in danger of falling. Barriers have been put up to prevent people passing in front of the building on the sidewalk.

Blake's hat store building, on the other side of the street, near Clay, is in like condition. A new front has recently been put into the lower part of this structure, and the front wall above was considered in an unsafe condition before the earthquake, and it is only to be wondered at that it did not come down entirely.

Isaac's stationery store, corner of Merchant and Sansome, is in a similar condition.

The brick building belonging to Charles Moneypenny, built in 1852, at 138 Natoma street, and occupied as a boarding house, was ruined. One-half of the walls were thrown down, and a party of workmen are now engaged in pulling down the rest. No lives lost.

The residence of Mr. Farmer, 144 Natoma street, is a complete ruin, though still standing. The walls are in such condition that the family have moved out and the building must be pulled down.

The chimney of the Gas Works, corner Howard and Fremont streets, fell, but the damage is not so great as to interfere with the supply of gas, and will soon be repaired. A great quantity of coal was stored in the building, and the pressure of the mass forced the wall out on the Fremont street side from roof to foundation and for the space of about fifty feet.

The Shot Tower, in the southern part of the city, suffered somewhat, but did not fall.

The back chimney of the County Hospital, at North Beach, fell, but no one was injured by it.

The whole of the battlement walls on Kohler's Building, on Sansome street, between Clay and Commercial, fell in.

The walls of the old American Theatre, on the corner of Sansome and Halleck streets, were badly shaken. The archway over the main entrance fell in.

The high chimney of the Mint building, on Commercial street, above Kearny, is badly broken and will be pulled down as a matter of precaution, but the building itself is not damaged at all.

The Oakland railroad was shaken violently, and the drawbridge over Oakland Creek so injured that the trains could not cross, and the boats were compelled to land their passengers at the old wharf at San Antonio Creek all day.

The Lincoln School House, corner of Fifth and Market streets, was badly damaged, chimneys broken off and plastering thrown down. The statue of Lincoln, by Mezzara, standing in front, was ruined though not thrown down.

The back portion of the residence of Captain Eldridge, on Sutter above Mason, has settled some few inches, and two of the chimneys on the west side of the building are badly cracked.

The walls and ceilings of the synagogue Ohabai Shalome, corner of Geary and Mason streets, were somewhat cracked; this was the only injury done to the building.

Messrs. Lobree and Co., of the California Pottery, who have their salesroom on Commercial street, between Leidesdorff and Sansome, lost very heavily by breakage of earthen ware. Their loss will amount to several thousand dollars.

The foundations of Plate's gun store, (the old No. 5 Engine House) on Sacramento street, between Leidesdortff and Sansome, sunk several feet. While the earthquake was going on, an employe, Mr. Nolting, was in cellar, the floor of which raised up on one side, closing the door so that he could not escape, and completely entombing him. Mr. Nolting was extracted with great difficulty from his dangerous and emphatically disagreeable position.

Hooker and Co.'s building in California street, below Front, suffered considerably, the heavy fire wall falling on the roof.

Downing and Abbot's carriage factory, on the southwest corner of Battery and Merchant streets, caught it rough, the fire wall falling and demolishing the heavy awning in front.

The western corner of the fire-wall on Casebolt and; Kerr's carriage factory, corner of Fifth and Market, was thrown down, but the building was but little injured.

A large plate glass window in the Hibernia Bank was demolished.

On the northwest corner of Mission and Third streets the fire-wall of a brick building was thrown off and in falling, demolished a boot-black stand beneath.

Popper's building, on Third street, which was so badly damaged by the great earthquake of 1865, having been properly rebuilt was this time uninjured, on the west wall, but the north wall shows some cracks.

Thurnauer and Zinn's building, on Sacramento street, was badly damaged.

The walls of Kimball and Co. carriage factory, corner of Bryant and Fourth streets, were considerably cracked, and the workmen stampeded.

No damage worth mentioning is noticeable anywhere on Kearny street.

Linforth, Kellogg and  Rail (successors to L. B. Benchley and Co.) hardware store, in the rear of Coffey and Risdon's building, on Battery street, was not much injured, but the rear battlement wall fell upon the one-story building used as their office and crushed it to atoms. The inmates just reached the street as the crash came.

The Bank of California was but slightly injured, the ornamental stone-work of the front alone suffering any damage.

The Brevoort House, on Third and Mission streets, was considerably damaged.

At the building of Mr. Mills, ornamental window painter, on Mission street, much damage was caused. From the nature of his business, Mr. Mills was not insured to any amount.

A gentleman wending his way towards the Mercantile Library was pushed rather violently against the northeast corner of Montgomery and Bush streets.

One hundred feet of the storehouse shed on Folsom Street Wharf, south side, was thrown down, and is a complete ruin. The long shed on the east side of the wharf was also badly damaged.

Much damage was done to Howard's building, on Battery street, between Clay and Commercial, the roof of which had been recently raised and a third story built in. The cornice and portions of the fire wall have fallen and demolished the wooden awning and lower cornice.

At the corner of Folsom and Sixth streets, the railroad track sunk a little. This is on made ground and the shaking merely settled the earth which had been filled in.

The building No. 240 Montgomery street, corner of Pine, is badly cracked. The occupants were terribly alarmed by the shock. Large seams and fissures are observable in the interior walls.

In Mr. Seaman's and Judge Currey's rooms, pictures and cornices fell, and a general debris is noticeable. The office of the California Powder Works, No. 318 California street, is very badly damaged. Mr. Lohse, the Secretary, barely escaped being crushed by the falling of a wall next door.

In and about South Park there was a deal of crockery smashed, and a universal scare amongst the denizens of that locality took place, but no damage of moment was done to the houses. The Broadway Brewery, a large three-story brick building on Broadway, below Stockton street, is badly damaged.

The Colored Masonic Hall, on Stockton street, between Pacific and Broadway, a two-story brick building, is badly wrecked, the front wall being completely shattered, and will have to be taken down. Ropes were placed around it to prevent accidents to pedestrians.

The two-story brick building corner of Stockton and Broadway streets, occupied by Dr. R. B. Cole as an office, was considerably shaken and cracked. Part of the fire wall of the building occupied by De Witt, Kittle and Co., corner of California and Front streets, came down.

In the store of Steinhart Bros. and Co., corner of Battery and Pine streets, some of the goods were damaged by the falling in of a portion of the roof. The north wall of the building at the corner of Sacramento and Front streets, occupied by Weil and Co., is very considerably cracked.

Part of one of the chimneys at the Post Office and Custom House, and other portions of the building, were knocked down.

At the Custom House Warehouse, a few feet further north, the walls separated in several places. We are informed that a Committee has been appointed to examine these two buildings and report as to their safety.

The southern portion of Maynard's building on California street in entirely loose, and liable to fall at any moment; the building is also injured in several other places.

The adjoining frame house, occupied by O. F. Willey and Co. as a carriage repository, sank several inches.

The portion of A. S. Rosenbaum and Co.'s building on Clay street, repaired but a short time ago, has entirely given way.

S. P. Taylor and Co., 319 and 321 Clay street — the iron pillars of this store sank several inches to the ground, and the whole house is in a very shaky condition. This is the old "Railroad House," a four-story brick.

On the third floor of the Merchants' Exchange one of the arches gave way, causing the falling of a pile of bricks, and cracking of walls; beyond this no damage was done.

A great deal of damage was done in nearly all of the crockery stores throughout the city. In a number of them the losses are very heavy by the breaking of fine and valuable goods.

The building of J. Livingston, just erected at the corner of Battery and California streets, received a very heavy shock, causing the building to give way somewhat, and the walls in the back part of the building are cracked considerably. The damage to this building alone is estimated at over $10,000. Part of the walls of the New Orleans warehouse, on California street, came down, breaking down the whole of the sidewalk,

The roof of the building of the Pioneer Woolen Factory, on Sacramento street, broke down, and the whole building is in a very unsafe condition.

The upper part of the building of Hentsch and; Berton, corner of Clay and Leidesdorff streets, is occupied as a type salesroom, and the contents of the shelves are now almost inextricably mixed. The loss is about $5,000.


Some of the large foundries were singularly affected by the visitation.

At the Pacific Foundry a stream of hot water came up through a hole in the floor of the moulding room; a fissure opened in the earth, running from east to west.

In the Fulton Foundry a crack in the ground extended from north to south; the iron safe was moved forward, and the steam engine was twisted out of place; hot water also came up through the earth here.

The Aetna Foundry lost an iron chimney and had a slight disarrangement of the machinery.

The Union Foundry had some cracks in the building.

The Mechanics' Mill (formerly Brokaw's), on Mission and Fremont streets, was injured to a considerable extent. A large quantity of the machinery stopped and was thrown out of place. In several places the floor sunk some inches, and again raised in others in the same manner, and one of the fire-walls sunk down. In front of the Mill, in the centre of the street, there is an opening of nearly  three inches in width. In the same neighborhood, on Fremont street, several places can be seen with openings in the ground. The moulding mill, on the opposite side of the street, has the roof pushed up so as to expose the inside, which must be in a slightly chaotic condition.

Mr. Garratt's brass foundry, on the corner of Mission and Fremont streets, while no especial damage was done, the floor was lowered about 8 inches, showing that there was something rotten underneath.

The machine and boiler shops of Messrs. H. J. Booth and Co. were entirely destroyed.


Although the first-class hotels passed through the trying ordeal without injury, it seems that the guests have become panic-stricken, partly from what they have seen outside and partly from foolish predictions that there would be shocks at such and such hours during the afternoon and night, and the consequence was that most of the guests deserted the first-class houses last night, and slept in wooden houses on the hillsides. Only three ladies remained in one of the houses last night, and a slight shock about half past twelve startled one of the ladies, and she left for the house of a friend. Some people became so sensitive that the beating of the heart would some times startle them.


The streets were filled with people — men women and children — "seeing the sights," congratulating each other that it was no worse, and chatting and laughing and running about generally as if at a show or fair. The impression a stranger would gain from the faces of those on the streets would be that some pleasurable excitement had occurred. Certainly there was nothing in the appearance of our people to indicate that a great calamity had befallen them, or that their confidence in the stability of San Francisco had been shaken for a moment.

When the momentary panic occurred, at twenty-three minutes past 10 o'clock, we noticed several women who fainted, or were unable to move for terror; but this special excitement subsided very quickly indeed, not lasting more than five minutes. at the utmost.

When the first great shock came, many people had not yet risen from their beds, and the rush into the streets was accompanied by many ludicrous incidents— dishabille being the rule, and full dress the exception. At some of the hotels, sights were seen over which the seers will laugh for years to come.

As the minor "tapering off" shocks were felt the excitement increased, instead of diminishing, as it should have done, seeing that all our experience goes to show that the worst invariably comes first in San Francisco earthquakes — and the merchants generally commenced closing their stores. By 10 A. M. business was pretty generally suspended, not because apprehension was felt to any extent of further damage or danger, but because the excitement was so great that no business could well be transacted. The Stock Exchange met and adjourned for the day without transacting any business.

The coolest man we saw was a Chinaman at the northwest corner of Jackson and Stockton streets. He was engaged in carrying out plastering which had fallen from the ceiling of a boarding house. "Hulloa, John; what's the matter?" we said as we passed him. "Matter? noting at all. Me gotee one house to let!" was his prompt reply, accompanied by a broad grin, which showed that he appreciated the situation and did not think there was going to be much of a shower.

None of the City, State or Federal Courts held any sessions.

Judge Provines, of the Police Court, discharged all the drunks that had been arrested the day before, and all the other prisoners in the City Prison were sent to the County Jail.

The Public School buildings are generally well constructed and were damaged very slightly if at all. Part of them escaped wholly uninjured. Nevertheless, the prevailing excitement being very great and the liability to panics among the scholars on any alarm being given so great as to be in itself a more threatening danger for them than that of the earthquakes proper, it was deemed best to close the schools for the day, and the scholars were accordingly all dismissed and sent home.

The office of Collector of the Port was removed to the old one-story brick building occupied by the U. S. Internal Revenue Department, on Washington street, west of the Post Office building, where vessels will be entered and cleared tor the present. The police are guarding the entrance to the Post Office building to prevent people entering and endangering their lives thereby. Notice will be given to-day of the new arrangements for the delivery of letters.

The Calaboose is now temporarily located in the County Jail building on Broadway, and the old City Hall basement echoes no more with the yells of drunken men and blasphemous obscenity of drunken women. The officers are still on duty at the City Hall, to receive prisoners and transfer them to the County Jail.

The clock in the Fire Alarm Office stopped at exactly seven and a half minutes before eight o'clock; the balances were nearly upset, and the whole office was thrown into a state of general confusion. As the first alarm of fire was given shortly after eight o'clock, the deputy in charge felt quite uneasy and for a moment quite perplexed. He, however struck the alarm (Box 26), and every time the hall ball, weighing 1,300 pounds, struck, it sank two inches, and distinct vibrations could be felt throughout the building.

At the office of the Hebrew newspaper, on Sacramento street, nearly the whole of the type was pied, and everything in the office was thrown into confusion.

The German Abend Post newspaper was not issued yesterday evening, owing to their forms being "pied" by the earthquake. The floor of their composing room settled about six inches. The workmen feared to enter the office, and their proprietors could not induce them for money to set up the "Extra." The paper has been damaged to the extent of $1,000

McKay's building, corner of Davis and Jackson streets, is said to have swayed at least two feet, and righted again without injuring the building in the least — not even cracking the plastering. This is reported by an eye witness.

At say from ten to fifteen seconds previous to the first shock, a dog belonging to a friend of ours, who is in the habit of sitting close up to his master's table, at breakfast, gave unmistakable evidence that something unusual was taking place, as he could not be persuaded to cease a most infernal howling, and sure enough, the unusual cause came, and with it, its effect.

In St. Mary's Cathedral, at about 10½ o'clock, whilst the funeral service over the body of a gentleman, just deceased, was taking place, the whole building shook in a distinctive manner, and at 11 o'clock the shock was still more severe, blanching the cheeks of those present, and making the bravest tremble.

In several parts of the city the water pipes under ground burst and poured forth streams of water. They were all, however, repaired as soon as the Water Company were notified, and a gang of laborers were at work all day, to attend to all orders immediately.

Portsmouth square, was the resort selected by hundreds of women and children, who could be seen wending their way with baskets, etc., to that place, remaining there during the day.

A married woman ran out of her house, but as her husband did not follow, went back and found him still in bed, and cried to him, "For God's sake, George, do come out and save yourself; all the women are out in their nightgowns."

A woman rushed out in her nightgown, on Steuart street, and seeing a stranger with a large duster on, she put her head under his arm and pulled his coat over her.

A property holder in the southern part of the city, whose windows suffered, said, "This is a judgment on the wickedness of San Francisco; I shall have to pay $10 for glass."

One of the employes of Wilson and Steven's pork packing establishment, feeling very sensibly the shock, concluded to make a summary exit from the building into the water; but on looking from the window and seeing the horrid opening in the earth, he concluded to desist.

Great presence of mind was exhibited by the master workman at the new Calvary Church. When the rear wall weakened, he exclaimed, "Boys, slide down the ropes of the derrick." They did so, and escaped without harm.

The first class hotels of the city escaped almost entirely, beyond the breaking of glass, and falling of plaster.

A narrow escape occurred at Dr. Morse's building on the plaza, adjoining the West End Hotel, which is a much higher structure. A chimney, from the latter building, came crashing into the chamber of Dr. Prevost, the Doctor's son-in-law, whose family had but ten minutes previously arisen from their beds. Their narrow escape from death was almost miraculous.

No damage whatever was sustained by the earthquake to the Dry Dock at Hunter's Point.

It is reported that during the occurrence of one of the shocks, a funeral ceremony was about taking place in the French Church of Notre Dame, on Bush street, and the congregation rushed out of the building as fast as they could, but no injury was done.

Flags were at half-mast in various parts of the city, on public and private buildings, during the entire day and evening.


In the vicinity of L. B. Benchley's building, junction of Market and Front streets, the ground sank for a foot or two, and there was evidence that the tide had risen in the adjoining lot at the same time, for a pond of water collected and remained until low tide.

On Pine street, near Battery, the cobbles on the south side of the street sunk away from the curbstone to the depth of one foot in some places, and the asphaltum sidewalk on the north side was twisted and torn out of all shape, and its connection with the curbstone severed.

This peculiarity was slightly noticeable on Clay street, opposite the Railroad House.

 On Mission street, opposite the Mechanics' Mill, corner of Fremont street, the north side of the street has settled, drawing away the planks of that side from the crown of the street, leaving a fissure of two or three inches in width.

Opposite the Gas Works, on Howard and Fremont streets, there is a narrow fissure, caused by sinking, and a barely perceptible crack in the sidewalk.

On the southwest corner of Fremont and Mission streets, the ground opened in many places. It is said that hot air and water issued from these openings.

At the corner of Fourth and Harrison streets the tracks have settled a couple of inches from the centre space between.

The reports of sinking to great depths are greatly exaggerated, as we have taken pains to prove.


As soon as possible after the earth had got settled, one of our editorial staff made a visit to the prominent works in the outskirts of the city, as there were many rumors of the amount of damage done.

The Sugar Refinery was found in operation, only a few bricks having been chafed from the adjoining cornice by the swaying of the chimney, which was shortened after the earthquake of 1865. The chimney was cracked, and will probably require the rebuilding of two-thirds of it, but the chimney did not fail, nor was there any damage to the building beyond the few bricks from the cornice mentioned above.

The Mission Woolen Mills was the next place visited. Mr. Donald McLennan assured us that there had been no damage to the machinery, the only inconvenience being the inequalities made in the surface of the floors by the temblor, and that a few days would suffice to regulate that disturbance and put the mills at work again. The mills will not be idle more than four days.

The Pacific Woolen Mills had also stopped work, but there did not seem to be any evidence of damage.

At the Blind Asylum the top of the rear wall, just under the eaves, had fallen out, fortunately without injuring anybody, and without disturbing the regularity of the school, for the inmates were singing happily when we passed there. The chimneys from the Mission street public school had toppled off a couple of hats full of brick without injury to anybody.

The report that the ground had sunk four feet at the corner of Fourteenth and Folsom streets was the result of hasty observation on the part of some panic-stricken individual. The car tracks run across a low place for a couple of hundred feet, but that is because that piece never was filled up to the grade, and has been as it is for a year or two.

On leaving the city, one would naturally suppose as he went along the road toward the ocean, that at each block some new horror would show itself in the shape of houses in ruins or hills levelled with the official grade of Sutter and Bush streets, but such was not the case, as, after you leave the junction of Montgomery and Bush streets, nothing on the line of march indicated that such a thing as an earthquake had occurred, as all along the line of the two streets in question, the houses were without a crack. The Point Lobos road was in just as excellent condition as on the day previous.

Mr. Foster, of the "Cliff," informs us that nothing aside from the usual routine took place in his vicinity, with the exception of a decided commotion in the ocean, and an impetus given to the every day wave which sent it well inland, say fifteen or twenty feet above the usual mark. The shock, however, at his house did no damage, not even upsetting any of the glassware in the bar. The afternoon on the road was one of splendor; the atmosphere was clear, the air warm and pleasant, and the northern hinges of the Golden Gate loomed up in bold relief, and looked as calm and beautiful as they seem to be after the first of a winter rain. The air was undoubtedly purified by the several shocks which took place during the forenoon, as we have not had a more beautiful spell of weather this season for a few hours, then we had after the sun had traveled well toward the west.

The stream of the sewer running from the Laguna to the foot of Webster street into the bay. hitherto clear, immediately after the shook became black as ink, showing that the earth in that vicinity had experienced a healthy shaking up. At the mouth of the sewer, and on the bay beach, below high water mark, a fissure extending lengthwise with the water, and some eight inches in width, was opened.

At Laguna Honda, where rumor had it that there was incalculable damage, there is nothing worth speaking of. The water was violently agitated and the waves met in the centre, throwing up a large jet several feet into the air. A prolonged investigation in the outskirts showed that the only damage had been sustained on the made ground in the centre of the city.


About seven P. M. a distinct shock was felt, which seemed more like a wave from south to north than an upheaval such as had been felt at times during the day.

Peculiarly sensitive persons felt a slight shock at nine, another at ten, and another at 12:35 P. M. One nervous man who is going off in the steamer would not go to bed; another preferred to sit up, and a third camped out in the Plaza.


There was no "tidal wave," so far as we can learn, accompanying this earthquake. Nevertheless passengers on the ferry steamers felt the shock and supposed for the moment that they were aground.


The Board of Supervisors met in special session at Judge Pennie's Court Room, at 2 P. M., the Mayor presiding. Present, Messrs. Ashbury. Stanyan, Clayton, Cavallier, Nunan, Harrold, Flaherty, Cole, Shrader, Shattuck, and Canavan. Mr. Ashbury presented the following:

Resolved, That Messrs. William Crane, David Farquharson, Architects, and George Cofran, Superintendent of Streets, be and are hereby requested to act with a Committee of the Board, consisting of Supervisors Nunan and Ashbury, to examine and report the condition of the public buildings and report to this Board at as early a date as possible.


Mr. Ashbury offered the following: That the Building Committee be requested to provide suitable rooms for the use of the various officers of the City Government, and report for the approval of this Board. Adopted.

Mr. Ashbury offered the following:

Resolved, That the Fire Wardens are hereby requested to examine the fire walls of those buildings which are in a dangerous condition, and notify the respective owners to immediately remove or secure the same, and erect or cause to be erected barricades in front of the same.


Dr. Cole, who came in at this moment, thought that the resolutions adopted for the protection of property were not sufficiently comprehensive, He had with reluctance left an alarmed family, and his habitation, which had been nearly demolished. He desired that each member of the Board should be invested with the power to erect barricades around buildings in danger of being thrown down. Supervisor Ashbury contended that every member had this power, but he did hope that none but architects and persons competent should be authorized to tear down walls or buildings.

Dr. Cole offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Supervisors be authorized to examine into the condition of the buildings in their respective Wards, and where the same is necessary in their judgment, and in order to protect life, to erect suitable barricades.


The Board then adjourned to meet to-morrow evening, at 7½ o'clock P. M., in Judge Pennie's Court Room.


The Chamber of Commerce held a session in their Chamber in the Merchants' Exchange. Several members spoke of the importance of transmitting correct intelligence to the East and to London. A Committee of four were appointed to collect information and make an estimate of the probable loss. Messrs. Otis, Friedlander, Ralston and Gordon form the Committee. These gentlemen met at 1 o'clock, in the parlor of the Bank of California, and prepared the following despatch:

"A severe shook of earthquake, experienced here at 7:50 A. M. Considerable alarm felt at time of occurrence. A good many buildings on made ground injured. Custom House and City Hall, both poorly constructed, badly injured, and some buildings in process of erection have fallen in. Some parapet walls falling have caused the loss of four lives. No damage to well-constructed buildings. Total loss on property will not exceed $300,000."

The President of the Chamber of Commerce, with the approval of the Committee, forwarded the above despatch immediately to the Chambers of Commerce in all the Atlantic, Western and European cities.


The horizontal shaking by this great earthquake has done a considerable amount of damage to chimneys and fire flues in all parts of the city, and, unless extreme caution is used, we shall have a long list of fires to record in consequence. No one should kindle a fire without first carefully examining the chimney and making sure that no openings for the fire to escape and communicate with the woodwork have been made. Gas fixtures have also been displaced or loosened in many cases, and they should be examined to guard against explosions. Tin and asphaltum roofs should also be carefully examined, and all cracks or other damages carefully repaired, as the rainy season is upon us and much damage will be done by water if this precaution is not taken in time. There should be no delay in this matter. Our losses are comparatively slight thus far, and yet heavy enough to teach us a lesson and lead us to use extra precaution against greater ones which might follow any neglect.


That properly constructed brick, stone or iron buildings, on natural ground, in any part of San Francisco, will stand uninjured the heaviest earthquakes ever felt in this latitude.

That good frame structures, in any part of the city — even on made ground, if care is taken with the foundations — will pass through heavier shocks unharmed.

That a four-story brick building, properly constructed, is more safe than a poorly built one-story one. See the building of the San Francisco Savings Union, on the northeast corner of California and Webb streets, opposite the ALTA office, which is a new structure, occupied but a few months, standing alone and wholly unsupported by others, and is as sound to-day as on the day it was built. This building may serve as a complete illustration of our idea.

That when proper care is taken in the construction of buildings there never need be a single life lost by an earthquake in San Francisco; every fatal casualty was the result of criminal carelessness in constructing brick cornices without supports or proper attachments in the walls, fire-walls, battlements or chimneys. 

That we do occasionally have sharp earthquakes in San Francisco, and unless our property holders will exercise a reasonable and decent caution and show more regard for the safety of life and property in constructing their buildings, what has happened may happen again; otherwise, that we need never again be called on to chronicle such a list of disasters.


"An Eye-Witness" sends us the following communication, embodying his observations at Oakland and vicinity:

EDITORS ALTA: Our town is under a shadow, as if the great Jehovah had stretched forth his hand to afflict the people. All are willing to admit His power, now — even those that but yesterday made light of the "Power that is."

In the city proper, little damage has been done outside of the falling of chimneys and a few firewalls on Broadway.

The following memoranda was made at a point two miles north of Oakland, near the Deaf and Dumb Asylum:

The morning was dark and foggy, with scarcely a breath of air stirring. The first intimation we had of the earthquake was a rumbling sound, as of rushing waters or the sound through the tops of trees, followed immediately by a rolling motion as of waves at sea, and in an instant almost the motion was changed to one of a circular nature, that emptied pans of milk and tubs of water almost in a moment. Trees in front of the houses were whipped about like straws. The cows in the barn-yard bellowed and ran about as if demented, the houses rocked and groaned as if in mortal agony. Chimneys were tumbling in all directions. Being near the Pacific Female College, the screams of the frightened children as they rushed from the tottering building was terrible to hear. It seemed as if the last day had come, sure enough. The oscillation was from northeast to southwest, and the following memorandum was made of the different shocks and their effect at the time:

First, at 7:54 A. M.: very heavy; at first as like a wave; followed by an oscillating motion, which lasted 40 seconds. This shock, from its rolling and rotary motion, threw down nearly every loose thing in and about the house, and actually twisted many houses five or six inches out of square, particularly those on brick foundations.

Second, at 8:26 A. M.; slight shock.

Third, at 8:40 A. M.; slight shock.

Fourth, at 8:44 A. M.; quite heavy, with rotary motion.

Fifth, at 8:47 A. M.; slight shock.

Sixth, at 9:11 A. M.: slight shock, with an oscillating motion.

Seventh, at 10:25 A. M.; heavy shock, with two distinct up and down motions.

Eighth, at 11:40 A. M.; slight shock.

The wave did not travel fast, as a crash of falling bricks and stones was heard at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum before the shock reached us — so that the latter did not move as rapidly as sound.

One very singular thing I notice so far as the falling of chimneys are concerned: That in large sized houses that had chimneys upon all sides, where any were left standing they were upon the north and west sides; those on the south and east sides are all down. This seems to be the rule; but in some parts all were thrown down. The damage through the county is much greater than with us.

At San Leandro the Court House is a perfect wreck, but at that no one is surprised, as the walls have been just ready to fall for years past, the work never having been half done, and ought not have been accepted by the county. The old Beatty building is perfectly used up and but few chimneys are left in town.

At Hayward's, Mape's Flouring Mill is levelled with the ground. Edmonson's mammoth warehouse, one of the largest in the State, is badly shaken and may have to be taken down; in fact, it must be pulled down, as it is a ruin. Chimneys there are none.

At Alamo, in Contra Costa County, the only brick house in the place is now a pile of bricks.

At Pacheco. Dr. Carrother's house (brick), the front is almost completely out. Hook's building, in which the Gazette is printed, is badly cracked, as well as several concrete houses lately put up.

The driver of the Oakland and Summerville stage says his team stopped in the middle of the road during the hardest shock, and trembled as if in mortal terror. A man herding stock near by actually had to leap two or three places where the ground opened under his feet.

I learn that Mr. Joselyn, Deputy County Treasurer of Alameda County, was killed in trying to escape from the Court House, and Mr. Borien, Deputy Sheriff, only saved his life by jumping through the window.

In Oakland. Judge Hageman had both arms broken from bricks of a falling chimney. A lady and child on Twelfth street were quite seriously injured by a team that took fright at the trembling.

At the Deaf and Dumb Asylum one of the gable-ends fell out, and all the chimneys are down. This was the latest work done, and the mortar had not seemingly set sufficient to stand such shocks. A portion of two stories on the south side will have to be taken down.

Our people seem to be under a spell, and many predictions are made for the worse; but I hope the worst is over. ln this connection I will say that I heard a gentleman, some time since, say that between October 20th and November 1st of this year, 1868, or at some other time, we would have some terrible convulsions on this coast. I paid but little attention to it at the time, but there is still a prophet among as.


Another correspondent at Oakland furnishes the following additional particulars:

Mrs. T. A,.Card, living on Twelfth street, had her scalp torn off above her eyes, by a brick from the chimney of her house. It was a glancing blow and did not fracture the skull.

A woman with a baby, running from Lamarsh's house to escape the earthquake, was run over by an express wagon, and both severely injured.

The shocks seem to have been felt more severely in Oakland than in the city. Hardly a dwelling-house escaped without having its chimney turned round or broken off.

The east side of Broadway seems to have escaped with little damage, while on the west hardly a building has escaped without broken glass, and in some cases they have been badly damaged.

Harris' brick block on Broadway, between First and Second streets, was badly injured, as was also Dr. Verhavis' apothecary shop.

Mr. Recliffe's store, on the corner of Broadway and Sixth street, was severely injured, the iron pillars starting from their sockets.

The large hall of the College School has the plaster shaken from its sides pretty thoroughly.

At Taylor's wharf, about 200,000 feet of lumber was dropped into the bay, the greater part of which will be recovered.

Some 70 tons of coal were immersed in the bay at the S. F. and O. R. R. Company's wharf, at the end of Broadway.

The prisoners from the ruins of the San Leandro Jail are all safe in the Calaboose here.


HAYWARDS, October 21st.

EDITORS ALTA: One of the most alarming and destructive shocks of earthquake ever felt here since its settlement by whites occurred this morning at about ten minutes before eight o'clock. The direction of the shock seemed to be from southwest to northeast, and so severe was it that in a number of places the ground opened from six inches to two feet, through which water and quicksand, in considerable quantities, was forced to a height of from one to three feet.

Just north of the village a ridge of ground about three feet wide, has been raised to the height of about two feet, evidently showing that the ground opened to such an extent as to make it rather unpleasant for one standing in the immediate vicinity.

The amount of damage sustained here at present cannot be estimated. A number of persons received divers injuries.

An employe of the Washington Hotel had both legs broken by falling timbers, and two or three others received slight injuries. Edmondson's large warehouse is a complete wreck, not a beam or brick remaining in its original position.

The flour mill is turned topsy turvy. Machinery, stones, etc., were pitched out in a very unceremonious manner and now lie promiscuously around.

Every store and dwelling in town has likewise received much damage. The hotels here were more or less stirred up, but no ludicrous scenes occurred, as our people are early risers.


At San Leandro the Court House was entirely destroyed. Mr. Josslyn, Deputy County Clerk, was killed. The prisoners in the cells were conversed with by different parties outside, so that it is known that none of their lives were lost. We have later information that the prisoners were extricated.


At Mount Eden, between Alameda and Hayward's, there are two stores. All the shelving in these stores on the south side was thrown down, and everything on the floors overturned. A large piano in a dwelling, on the ground floor, was moved northwards three feet. Men who came down from the hills back of Mount Eden and Hayward's, told our informant that trees were thrown down by the shock and all the farm houses more or less damaged, some totally destroyed.


At Alvarado, Alameda County, the shocks appear to have been more violent than at any other point. We are assured by a gentleman who was in the town that the ground opened in several places to the width of eight inches, and that from these openings hot water and steam issued. Several buildings were destroyed, but no lives lost.


Bamber and Co., received the following despatch, dated Pacheco, October 21st, 8 o'clock: "Every brick house in town is ruined. No lives lost."


Bamber and Co. received the following, dated Walnut Springs, October 21st. 1868: "This morning, twenty minutes to nine o'clock, we were shaken up by the heaviest earthquake that I have ever known in California. My goods are all over the store; crockery and glassware all smashed up. The earth is still vibrating while I write; chimneys are level with the roofs of buildings; the plastering of our houses is all off. A breaking up generally."


From a gentleman who came up from San José last evening, we learn that the shake was very heavy in that part, and all the brick buildings suffered severely. The Presbyterian Church (brick) has been so much injured that it will be necessary to tear it down. The rear wall of Moodey's mill fell out. Leon's store, on the corner of El Dorado and Market streets, lost the cornice. The new brick building opposite the Auzerais House was cracked extensively, and, in fact, almost all the buildings will require some repairs to restore them to their former condition. Plate-glass windows, and glass of all kinds, strewed the sidewalks. The shock was so severe that great fears were felt for the safety of San Francisco, a rumor gaining credence that California street had sunk two feet. Telegraphic communication quieted these fears, and induced the residents to turn their attention to the condition of San José. The Convent de Notre Dame and the Court House were not at all injured.


Colonel Weller, who came in from Redwood City by the morning train, says that the Court House was entirely destroyed, together with several stores. Great damage was done to property, but fortunately no lives lost.


PETALUMA, October 21st, 1868.

EDITORS ALTA: We had a terrible tremble here this morning, at three minutes past 8 o'clock. Buildings rocked to and fro, and everybody seemed frightened, though but few understood that the most severe earthquake that had ever visited our city was upon us. But a small proportion of our people, owing to the early hour, were abroad at the first shock, but when the second shock came, making, as it did seemingly, the buildings on both sides of the street kiss each others brows, the outpouring, from the upper stories, of humanity was suddenly surprising; there was Norton, of Seymour and Blair fame, wildly rushing down, closely followed by George C. Gorham and Dr. Cox, of Grant and Colfax celebrity, each seemingly only bent in securing his each individual vote.

Yours truly,


NAPA CITY, October 21st, 1868.

EDITORS ALTA: We experienced a violent shock of an earthquake at precisely 7.50 A. M. The vibrations were in a north-easterly direction, and fully thirty seconds duration.

Mother earth seemed to have entirely lost its equilibrium, and the way things in general followed suit was a caution.

The quake was accompanied by a low rumbling sound, as if a subterraneous railway train of ten thousand cars were passing under our feet. Several brick buildings were more or less damaged, and one chimney came down by the run, but, beyond this, no further loss was sustained. A second shock was felt at 10.20, but nothing in intensity compared to the first.

I open this to say that at 10.55 another slight shock was experienced.

We anxiously await news from San Francisco.



At Mare Island Navy Yard chimneys were thrown down, and some of the buildings considerably shaken, but no serious damage done and no persons injured. The ground shook so violently as almost to throw people off their feet, the shock being accompanied by a frightful rumbling sound. Several people took to the water, considering the stream much more safe and stable than the land.


The earthquake was quite severely felt at Vallejo, many chimneys toppling down, but no serious injury occurring.


Mr. Denman. the Superintendent of Public Schools, published a card stating that the schools will be closed to-day, on account of the excitement prevailing in relation to the earthquake, and to allow time for an architect to examine the brick buildings to see if they are safe, before opening them for the pupils. Confident that the report of the architect will be favorable, the Superintendent requests all the pupils to present themselves at their schools on Friday. The card will be found in the advertising columns of the ALTA.

Daily Alta California, 22-October-1868

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