Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Famous Old Clipper Andrew Jackson -- October 7, 2018

San Francisco Call, 13-March-1897
From the 13-March-1897 San Francisco Call. William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the newspaper. Click on the image for a larger view. 

Even though Andrew Jackson was not an extreme clipper, she tied the Flying Cloud's record with a passage from New York to San Francisco in 89 days.  

Carried Miners Here in the 50's and Is Now a Coal Hulk.
An Old Painting of the Andrew Jackson Unearthed by Sam Wheeland.
Was Famous in Her Time and Made Some Runs That Have Never Been Beaten.

The old-timers who came around the Horn in the fifties have a vivid recollection of the old clipper Andrew Jackson. Many a fast trip did she make, and the sailing vessels of to-day would be glad to equal her performances. The last time she entered the Golden Gate was on October 3, 1867. Oa that occasion she had a large passenger list and a full cargo of general merchandise aboard. Since that time she has gone down the scale, and at the present time is doing duty as a coal huik in Boston harbor.

When the Andrew Jackson was last here, the late Mr. Wheeland, of Collins and Wheeland, had a picture of her made. A few days ago his brother was overhauling his effects and discovered the drawing. It was nothing but a roll of mildewed canvas, but as soon as Captain Erskine, the well-known pilot, saw it, he at once recognized the ship. It shows the old clipper hove to, with the pilot-boat Caleb Curtis putting a pilot aboard. The pilot-boat Fannie, which was then "No. 0," is shown in the distance. The Fannie has long since been broken up, and the Caleb Curtis, after being turned into a sealer, was lost, a couple of years ago on the coast of Japan. The pilot who brought her into port is dead and buried, and all that is left as a reminder of the above scene is the old hull now doing duty as a coal barge in Boston harbor.

New York Herald, 06-December-1858

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