Friday, October 5, 2018

Eddie Grant Dead on Field of Honor -- October 5, 2018

New York Sun, 22-October-1918

Eddie Grant played third base for the Cleveland Naps, the Philadelphia Phillies, the Cincinnati Reds and the New York Giants.  After the 1915 season, he retired and opened a law practice.  When America entered World War One, Eddie Grant was among the first men to volunteer.  He was a captain the 77th Infantry Division.  During the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, all of his superior officers were killed so he wound up in command of the division. While leading them on a search for the Lost Battalion, he was killed 100 years ago today, on 05-October-1918.  He was the first major leaguer killed in the war.  

In 1921, The Giants put up a plaque in his memory at the Polo Grounds.  Someone stole it after the Giants played their last home game in 1957.  In 2006, the San Francisco Giants put a copy of the plaque in their current field.  


Onetime Third Baseman of Giants Falls In Attempt to Rescue "Lost Battalion."


Came to McGraw From Cincinnati in 1913 -- Commissioned at Plattsburg.

By the Associated Press

With the American Army, Northwest of Verdun, Oct. 21. -- Capt. Edward Grant, former third baseman of the New York National League club and attached to the 307th Infantry, was killed by a shell while leading a unit to the aid of the famous "lost battalion."

The battalion was surrounded for five days in the Argonne forest and Capt. Grant was killed during one of the attempts to reach it.

Edward L. Grant, former third baseman of the Giants, is the first of the many major league baseball players in the service to give his life for his country.

At the outbreak of the war Grant joined the officers' training camp at Plattsburg and was commissioned a First lieutenant. He was then detailed to Camp Upton and soon went overseas. Capt. Grant was a native of Franklin, Mass., where he wan born in 1883.

New York Sun, 22-October-1918

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