Tuesday, September 18, 2018

France Loses Greatest Athlete and Brave Aviator -- September 18, 2018

Perth Amboy News, 14-November-1918
Maurice Boyau was a French ace who was a successful balloon buster.  Before the war, he had been an international rugby player.  On 18-September-1918, German ace Georg von Hantelmann shot Boyau down and killed him.  Boyau's final tally was 31, including 26 balloons.

France Loses Greatest Athlete and Brave Aviator

Recent reports from Europe state France’s greatest athlete and best-known aviator, Maurice Boyau, is missing. The news has caused the greatest sorrow as Boyau, who was recently made an officer of the Legion of Honor, with the inscription, "the bravest pilot and the most complete athlete who makes French aviation Illustrious” — was known all over France. Starting In the war as a second-class private, Boyau, who captained the rugby teams against England, Wales. New Zealand and Scotland. and who was a great association football player and all-around athlete, soon became an aviator and lieutenant, gaining twelve war crosses, the military medal, the D. 8. C. and the cross of the Knight of the Legion of Honor. Before being made an officer In the order he had shot down 35 Germans before he was himself brought down in flames in the German lines. Boyau was to have been presented on a date shortly after his disappearance with a diamond and platinum Legion of Honor cross, bought by a half penny subscription made among the athletes In France.

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