Friday, August 10, 2018

Dr Hugo Eckener 150 -- August 10, 2018

Washington Star, 21-October-1928
Dr Hugo Eckener, pioneer lighter-than-air pilot and promoter, was born 150 years ago today, on 10-August-1868.  He became a publicist for Ferdinand von Zeppelin's company and earned his pilot's license in 1911.  During World War One, he trained most of Germany's Zeppelin pilots.  After the war, Dr Eckener managed the Zeppelin company.  He toured Germany to raise money to build LZ 127, the Graf Zeppelin.

Eckener commanded the Graf Zeppelin on the first transatlantic passenger flight in 1928 and the first round-the-world airship flight

When the Nazis came to power, they nationalized the Zeppelin company and pushed out Dr Eckener.

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