Sunday, August 19, 2018

Base Ball Caps -- August 19, 2018

Spalding's Base Ball Guide and Official League Book for 1879
An 1879 ad for baseball caps.  $15.00 was a lot of money then.  If the inflation calculator I looked at is correct, it would be the equivalent of $400.69 today. That sounds high.

When I was a kid, the Pittsburgh Pirates wore the "Chicago Club No. 5" style.


  1. In really small print over the prices, I think it says "per dozen". For outfitting a whole team, that's more plausible.

  2. Hi Nick. Good point. Quantity discounts would help. It would be interesting to know the price for a whole team.

  3. Nine players on a team, right? So I guess a dozen covers a team and the coach and a few spares.

  4. That makes sense. Rosters were small back then.


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