Monday, July 9, 2018

Britain's Ace is Severly Wounded -- July 9, 2018

Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, 06-August-1918
James McCudden, the top-scoring Allied ace with 54 victories, died on 09-July-1918 when his engine failed and his S.E 5a crashed.  I couldn't find any articles about his death, but the item above from the next month may be about the accident.  Below is an article about fighter pilots which mentions McCudden and Philip Foulard, who lived until 1984.

No Chance These Human Eagles Won't Take -- Captain McCudden, Flight Commander, Prefers to Work Alone and Has System of His Own -- Forces Foe to Fight and Has Never Lost an Encounter.

A few nights ago four members of the Royal Horse Guards, all more than six feet in height, and built like Apollos, stood in the lobby of a London theater between the acts. They resembled the Three Musketeers, and attracted attention because of their wonderful physique and splendid bearing. Near by stood three youngsters, none over five feet four, and none weighing more than 120 pounds. The Horse Guards, mere military ornaments, resemble battleships, the three youngsters torpedo boats; at least, such was the comment of persons who stood near by. The youngsters were airmen. An American, who had observed the six, said: "The big fellows are all right, but give me those kids."

Are the Real Heroes.

The airmen, or the flyers, are clean cut, alert, and full of confidence. They are the same as the flyers of all nations. Daredevils, many call them. Most of them expect to be killed, and in the long run most of them are. But, as the average American flyer says: "We get a good fly for our money at that."

Just at the present time, the two heroes of the air In England are Capt. James McCudden, twenty-two years old, and Capt. Phillip Foullard, nineteen. The exploits of these youngsters have but recently become known in London, and when they return for leave, all Britain will be theirs. Captain McCudden has brought down 34 German machines; Captain Foullard has accounted for 42.

There is no chance these human eagles won't take. There is no such thing as fear in their make-up. Captain McCudden is the leader of a squadron which has brought down 99 enemy aircraft. Although a flight commander, he prefers to work alone. He manages his machine, and does his own firing, and is said to be one of the best wing shots in any army.

Battles Above Clouds.

His battle grounds lie away above the clouds. He flies, as a rule, at a height varying from 16,000 to 18,000 feet. He has a system all his own. When he spies an enemy aircraft he jockeys the foe from his own course and compels him to fight. He never yet lost an encounter. In a letter to his mother and sister, just published, he says that he recently brought down four German airmen in one day, two before luncheon and two after. The next day his score was three.

England has already had a view of many of the American flyers on their way from America to France. Many of these young men are university undergraduates, and one has but to see them to know that they will quickly take their place with the idols of the air of France, England and Italy.

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