Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Campbell, First U. S. Ace, Wins New Air Battle -- June 5, 2018

New York World, 06-June-1918
Douglas Campbell, a native of San Francisco, was the first American ace who flew in American-trained units.  His father was later president of the University of California.  100 years ago today, on 05-June-1918, he scored his sixth victory.  Badly wounded in the engagement, he did not fight again. 

Campbell, First U. S. Ace, Wins New Air Battle.

On the morning of June 5 Lieuts. Campbell and Meisner forced down an enemy biplane east of Ponia Mousson.

Between April 14 and May 31 Lieut. Douglas Campbell brought down six hostile airplanes, of which the destruction has been confirmed. During the same time Capt. Peterson and Lieut. Rickenbacher each brought down three, of which destruction has been confirmed, and forced down two more concerning which confirmation has been requested.

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