Monday, March 5, 2018

The Philadelphia Lying at Anchor in the Bay -- March 5, 2018

San Francisco Call, 28-June-1895
The drawing is from the 28-June-1895 San Francisco Call. William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the newspaper. USS Philadelphia (C-4) was a protected cruiser launched in 1889 from the William Cramp and Sons Shipyard in Philadelphia.

The Flagship Philadelphia Arrives From the Hawaiian Islands.
A Suggestion That She Be Kept Here to Take Part In the Celebration.

The cruiser Philadelphia, flagship of Rear-Admiral L. A. Beardslee, U.S N., arrived yesterday morning, nine days and twenty hours from Honolulu. The warship steamed slowly, averaging ten and eleven knots under two of her four boilers, though during the last two days she was run up to fifteen knots. The machinery of the vessel is in good condition, as the injury to the starboard engine, which occurred on her trip down to the islands, had been repaired in Honolulu.

The complete roster of officers is:
Rear-admiral L. A. Beardslee; Lieutenant C. E. Fox, flag lieutenant ; Lieutenant M. E. Gorges, flag secretary; Captain C. S. Colton, commanding officer; Lieutenant-Commander R. R. Ingersoll, executive officer; Lieutenant W. M. Wood, navigator; lieutenants— F. E. Sawyer, P. J. Werlich, J. A. Hoogewerff ; ensigns— H. A. Field, W. R. Shoemaker; Medical Inspector G. F. Winslow, Past Assistant Surgeon F. A. Haslet. Assistant Surgeon M. S. Guest, Fleet Paymaster W. J. Thomson, Fleet Engineer David Smith, Past Assistant Engineer W. N. Little; Assistant Engineers, F. H. Conant, L. M. Nulton; Captain of Marines, H. C. Cochrane: Second Lieutenant of Marines, A. S. McLemore; Chaplain, W. E. Edmonson; Gunner, H. A. Eilens; Boatswain, T. Sheehan; Carpenter, F. S. Sheppard: Pay Clerk, F. P. Thomson.

The crew numbers 263 sailors and forty marines. As the crew are mostly all short-timers, the cruiser will have to enlist several hundred men at the Navy-Yard to supply the places of those soon to be discharged.

The vessel will probably go to Mare Island to-day, as orders are expected from Washington to that effect. Several of the officers on board suggested that the Fourth of July celebration committee secure the attendance of the Philadelphia here that her fine battalion may take part in the parade.

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