Sunday, December 3, 2017

Arrival of the Dashing Wave After a Smart Passage From Tacoma -- December 3, 2017

San Francisco Call, 24-June-1896
The drawing is from the 24-June-1896 San Francisco Call. William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the newspaper.

Arrival of the Dashing Wave After a Smart Passage From Tacoma
The Southeaster on the Bay Was Heavy, but Very Little Damage Was Done.

One of the prettiest sights on the bay for a long time was the arrival of the ship Dashing Wave yesterday from Tacoma. The wind was blowing in strong squalls from the southeast and the vessel sailed in. One of the red stack tugboats attempted to speak her but whenever a squall came, the ship would run away from the steamer and the latter would have to wait for a lull in the gale before she could catch up. Finally off Goat Island the Dashing Wave had to take in sail and the tug towed her to a safe anchorage.

It was very rough on the bay yesterday, but contrary to expectation very little damage was done. There was a considerable swell along the seawall and in consequence no attempt was made to pump out the steam schooner Point Arena. The latter has a hole in the hull forward and another aft, but as both have been patched over with canvas, Captain Whitelaw does not anticipate any difficulty in pumping the vessel and docking her on the Spreckels drydock.

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