Sunday, December 17, 2017

A Christmas Present? -- December 17, 2017

Seattle Star, 25-December-1917
On 28-December-1917,. the United States Railroad Administration took over operation of all the railroads in the United States because the railroads had shown themselves to be unable to handle the crush of business caused by the entry of the United States into the war. The cartoonist is not optimistic.

Pres. Wilson Confers With R. R. Brotherhood Chiefs

United Press Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. -- President Wilson summoned the chiefs and legislative agents of the four railroad brotherhoods to a conference at the White House Thursday. The purpose of the conference is not understood.

The president has recently conferred with these men, and his summons came as a surprise.  It is known the president has been making an intensive study of the railroad situation, and the conference probably is to allow him to lay before the railroad men his plans for increasing railroad efficiency. 

Rumors have been current for some time that the government intended taking over the management or the control of the railroads as a war measure. 

No intimation of what President Wilson's sentiments in this regard are has been forthcoming, and an address to congress on the subject, which it is expected he will make soon after the holidays, is being awaited with great interest. 

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