Friday, October 27, 2017

The Ursuline Convent -- October 27, 2017

New Orleans; the Place and the People, Grace Elizabeth King

The Old Ursuline Convent in New Orleans is supposed to be the oldest building in the Mississippi Valley.  This is the second building on the site.  The building was completed in 1751.  After the convent and girls' school moved to other sites, the building served as the home of the Bishop and then the Archbishop of New Orleans.

New Orleans; the Place and the People, Grace Elizabeth King

Here is a photo I took when we visited New Orleans in 2014. 


  1. There used to be an Ursuline Convent in SF. I used to catch a bus next to it--it's on Bosworth St, near Mission. The school seems to be gone now but the old building is still there, and an interesting old building, too. Here it is on Google Street View:

  2. Hi Nick. Several French religious orders sent sisters to San Francisco. They probably felt that we needed the help.


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