Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Four Naval Vessels Will Illuminate Tonight in President McKinley's Honor -- October 3, 2017

The drawing is from the 14-May-1901 San Francisco Call. William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the newspaper. 

USS Iowa (BB-4) and USS Wisconsin (BB-9) were pre-dreadnought battleships. Iowa served in the American squadron during the Battle of Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish-American War. In 1901, Iowa was the flagship of the Pacific Station. Wisconsin was launched at San Francisco's Union Iron Works on 27-November-1898.

USS Philadelphia (C-4) was a protected cruiser. USS Farragut (TB-11) was a torpedo boat. Farragut was launched at San Francisco's Union Iron Works on 16-July-1898.

President William McKinley and First Lady Ida McKinley were on a transcontinental tour that would end In Buffalo, New York when McKinley was assassinated on 06-September-1901.  On 23-May-1901, McKinley broke ground for the Dewey Monument in San Francisco's Union Square.  

Battleships Iowa and Wisconsin, Cruiser Philadelphia and .Torpedo-Boat Farragut Will Make a Magnificent Showing on the Bay During the Presidential Reception in the Grand Nave of
the Ferry Building — Each Man-of- War Will Be Decorated With Bunting and Electric Lights

THE warships now in port are all in readiness for the grand display to-night. The Farragut came over from Sausalito yesterday and during the afternoon her captain went aboard the flagship. The captains of the Wisconsin and Philadelphia also went aboard the Iowa and all three received their final instructions from Admiral Casey. The Farragut did not remain in the stream, but went back to her anchorage at Sausalito. She will be on hand to-night, however, and will help in the display to be made by the big vessels. Everything for the illuminating of the Iowa, Wisconsin and Philadelphia is ready and a few hours' work will see all in place. Each vessel will have her name spelled out in lights along her side, while the fighting masts and superstructures will be one mass of fiery designs. During the afternoon every man that can be spared will be landed at the foot of Folsom street. Both marines and bluejackets will then march to Fourth and Townsend streets, where they will take part in the parade in honor of the President. On their return to their respective ships they will proceed to get ready for the illumination of the evening.

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