Tuesday, September 5, 2017

2017 Ardenwood Farm Railfiar -- September 5, 2017

Sunday we went to the 18th annual Washington Township Railroad Fair at Ardenwood Farm. The weather was overcast and muggy.  Turnout was low, probably because of the recent excessive heatwave.  A volunteer on the train said that there only about 200 visitors on Saturday.  Ann Marie, an 1890 Porter 0-4-0, was there for the ninth straight year. 

The two open flats now have walls and roofs.  They were nice.  

Traffic was light going over and coming back, but terrible when we got to Highway One back in Pacifica.   After I took my mother grocery shopping on Saturday, It took me 45 minutes to get from Manor to home.  This usually takes 12 minutes.  The beach was jammed both days, and people were parking their cars along Highway One on Saturday. 

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