Saturday, August 26, 2017

White Supremacists Skeedaddle -- Augusat 26, 2017
White supremacists/Nazis/klansmen/degenerates planned a rally at Crissy Field.  Yesterday they cancelled it and announced one at Alamo Square.  Why Alamo Square?  I suppose the Victorians.  Today they got blocked from the square by city workers and counter protesters.  We wound up having a non-violent counter protest that included a march up Mission Street. 

Boody Rogers created Sparky Watts for newspaper syndication in 1940. Later the Columbia Comics Group picked him up for their book Big Shot. Sparky got his powers when a mad (but good) scientist zapped him with cosmic rays. Here Sparky delivers a salute to Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo.I am always in favor of non-violence, but I have a soft spot for images of punching Hitler or other Axis leaders. 

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