Saturday, July 29, 2017

Huge Reflector Taken Up Mountain To Photograph New Wonders of Sky! -- July 29, 2017

Fairmont West Virginian, 19-July-1917
The Hooker Telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory in Southern California was the largest in the world until 1949. The truck in the photograph is a Mack. Among other things, the telescope helped to find evidence for the existence of dark matter. 

Taking the famous Hooker reflector up Mt Wilson, where it will be Installed in the Carnegie Observatory for use in new scientific research.

Anonymous letters had been received by observatory officials, threatening the destruction of the huge mirror. Three armed guards watched the reflector on the circulated (sic - JT) trip up the mountain, and 100 spectators and a regiment of photographers followed the ascent.

The reflector, a gift of E. L. Hooker of Los Angeles, cost $60,000 and is the largest in the world, being 100 inches in diameter and 13 inches thick. It weighs four and a half tons. The rough cast was made in 8t, Bobain, France, in 1905. The glass was brought to Pasadena in 1909. Grinding the mirror began in 1911.

Scientists hope to reveal new celestial wonders when the new mirror is installed. According to Dr. W. S. Adams, in charge of the observatory in the absence of Dr. George Ellery Hale, now in Washington, the reflector will be in commission by September.

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