Wednesday, June 21, 2017

1897 Baltimore Orioles -- June 21, 2017

1897 Spalding Baseball Guide

The 1897 Baltimore Orioles finished second to the Boston Beaneaters.  The Old Orioles, no relation to the present-day American League team, had won the National League pennant the previous three seasons.  The team, know for dirty but intelligent play, featured many stars.  John McGraw managed the New York Giants for many years.  Wee Willie Keeler was a great batter.  Hughie Jennings managed the Detroit Tigers to the World Series.  Wilbert Robinson managed the Brooklyn Dodgers.  Pitcher Joe Corbett was the brother of heavyweight champion James J Corbett.

After the 1899 season, the 12-team National League eliminated four teams, including the last place Baltimore Orioles.  

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