Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Doc Savage -- May 9, 2017

Doc Savage was a pulp character who debuted in 1933.  Doctor Clark Savage, Jr was a many of many talents, mental and physical.  He gathered a team of aides including Monk, Ham, Johnny, Renny and Long Tom.  Each had his own unique talents.  His cousin Patricia turned up in many stories.  Doc and his team had many adventures fighting evil around the world.  Lester Dent created the characters and wrote many of the novels.

I first got to know Doc Savage from reprints that Bantam Books did in the 1970s.  I often spent what little money I had at Canterbury Corner on Geary or Green Apple Books on Clement buying copies.

George Pal produced a bad movie in 1975.  I saw a still in Famous Monsters of Filmland and immediately knew that they had done a poor job with Doc's aides.  I went to see it anyway. 

DC did some comic books in the 1980s.

I never heard the NPR recreation of the radio show. 


  1. Hi Joe. Did you ever go to In & Out of Print Books at 9th and Judah? That was one of my favorites back in the day.

  2. Hi Nick. I didn't remember that place until you mentioned it. I did visit there a few times. Green Apple was on my side of the park, so I went there more often.


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