Saturday, June 27, 2015

Classic Movie History Project Blogathon II -- June 27, 2015

Over at my movie blog, The Big V Riot Squad (, I am participating in the Classic Movie History Project Blogathon II hosted by Fritzi at Movies Silently, Ruth at Silver Screenings and Aurora at Once Upon a Screen.   From Fritzi: "We have divided the history of film from 1880 to 1975 between us. I am your Silent Era host and will be covering 1880-1929. Aurora is our Golden Age host and will be covering 1930-1952. Ruth is our Modern host and will be covering 1953-1975."  I had a great time last year

Flicker Alley is sponsoring the blogathon. 

This year my post is "Life of an American Director: Edwin S Porter in 1903."  Porter was an innovative director and I discuss four of the many movies that he released in 1903.  They are "Life of an American Fireman," "The Gay Shoe Clerk," "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "The Great Train Robbery":

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