Tuesday, January 6, 2015

With a New Dress and Greater Brilliance -- January 6, 2015

Perrysburg Journal, 09-February-1919

Magician Howard Thurston established himself as a successful vaudeville performer, then joined with Harry Kellar on his farewell tour.  When Kellar retired in 1908, Thurston carried on as his successor.  Thurston continued performing until he suffered a stroke in 1935.  This ad and the accompanying article are for a 1919 visit to Toledo, Ohio.  I have never before seen the word "digitarian." 

Thurston, the Magician

Thurston; the famous magician matinee idol of theatregoers not yet in their 'teens, and entertainer of audiences of all ages, returns to Toledo after an absence of two years for an engagement of one week at the Auditorium theatre, starting Sunday evening, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday.

Thurston's engagement is of more than passing interest. There is no form of entertainment which appeals more potently to the general public than magic, and to Thurston is due the credit of bringing it to its highest expression.

The greatest asset to his success is the fact that he offers constant change in his program each year. The keynote to his performance this year is "thrill" and the majority of his creations smack of afterworld workings and hobgoblin spells, although there is an abundance of humor introduced.  Thurston himself, without mystic habiliments or exaggerated mannerisms, is a personage of distinct magnetism, and his cleverness In ledgeremain (legerdemain - JT) and digital trickery has been a marvel to all who have witnessed his performance. His methods are progressive and his entertainment a far cry from the old stereotyped aggregation of card tricks and mind reading. It is a strange field in which Thurston has devoted his life, one that has been occupied by very few really illustrious artists. With his dexterous fingers, his ready wit, and his charming personality, he is not only a wizard to excite wonder, he is a companion to enjoy. His success is due to persistent continual work and the love of it. He delights in every thing he does, he loves animals and loves to work with them ; he finds recreation in turning from one interest to another. He is never idle. He is more than a merely expert digitarian, he is inventor, engineer, mechanic, manager of men and immediate commander of many and diverse forces.

Two car loads of scenic accessories and electrical effects are used in Thurston's performance, and the costuming and wardrobe is said to be sumptuously rich and beautiful.

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