Sunday, November 2, 2014

Muni Heritage Festival 2014 #1 -- November 2, 2014

Yesterday we went downtown for Muni's Heritage Festival. We found rare original-condition O'Farrell-Jones-Hyde cable car 42 at California and Drumm. We had a nice talk with my friend gripman Val Lupiz while he waited his turn. He is proud of the car, which did not come out after last year's festival except for a test run earlier this week. We rode out to Van Ness and back. The car operates smoothly. We had lunch at Osha Thai Restaurant, then went over to the Market Street Railway museum. Car 130 pulled out, but was not picking up passengers. We got on Blackpool Boat 228, where I took the photo of the "Nowhere in Particular" destination sing. We had a nice ride out to Pier 39 and back. The crew had to watch the pole carefully at every switch. Back at the museum, we bought a book and two calendars. We stopped to look at Cal Cable 62, the motorized Jones Street shuttle car. We missed the two bell ringing demonstrations. Then we took BART back.


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