Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Child's Journey Through Ellis Island -- September 20, 2014

Exhibitors' Herald, 28-May-1921

Today I went to Good Shepherd School in Pacifica and talked to grades 6-7-8 about "A Child's Journey Through Ellis Island." They are participating in a DAR essay contest on the subject. I talked about the skills involved in writing a good essay and targeting it to your audience. I gave them background on US immigration history and nativist reaction to immigration. We talked about who they were getting, how they would get to Ellis Island and what would happen on the island.   It was fun, and they asked good questions.  After, I was very tired. 

Alice Brady was the daughter of theatrical impresario (great word) William A Brady.  She was a popular actress in silent and sound films.  She played Carole Lombard's mother in My Man Godfrey.  In the lost film The Land of Hope, she played a Russian immigrant who arrived at Ellis Island. 

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