Friday, August 29, 2014

This Makes Us Seasick -- August 29, 2014

SMS Leipzig was a German light cruiser commissioned in 1906.  She left China with Graf Maximilian von Spee's East Asia Squadron when World War One broke out.  In August, 1914, Leipzig visited San Francisco to replenish her coal supply.  There were restrictions on how long a belligerent vessel could spend in a neutral port.  The article is from the 22-August-1914 Pacific Rural Press. The photo is from the excellent website The Coronel Memorial (  Leipzig went down with most of the rest of the East Asia Squadron in the Battle of the Falkland Islands. 

This Makes Us Seasick.

It is indicative of the decline of sensational apprehension of evil, which a war-outbreak engenders, to find that our grain-laden ships are going out to brave the new dangers of the deep. The German cruiser Leipsic coaled in San Francisco on Monday, getting just enough to carry her about 4000 miles to the nearest German possession in Samoa and as she cannot get any more American coal for three months, it is thought she will beat it for home and not burn up her fuel waiting for prizes in our part of the Pacific. This clears us of German trouble, for Japan will keep their Asiatic squadron busy, and as for Hungarian war vessels, they seem to be looking for McGinty. Besides, exchange with England and other European countries has been reopened and war risks on merchantmen are taken by the British government. It seems likely then that all the laden ships in the bay will be going out and all idle ships will take whatever grain we have to spare. But there is trouble for the shippers of canned goods, for two English steamship lines that transport virtually all the canned goods from California to Great Britain have advised shippers that while their lines are ready to resume business, they will not supply steamers at rates contracted for, but will increase rates, and unless this increase is complied with the lines will tie up. Really the rate ought to be reduced instead of increased, because half the time can now be saved by canal, a fact not considered when the contracts were made. This act is likely to bring these Welchers up against a federal grand jury, which is more dangerous than a German cruiser.

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