Sunday, August 17, 2014

Jazzbeaux -- August 17, 2014

After I took my mother grocery shopping yesterday, we had lunch at Bill's Place. They still have the best hamburgers in San Francisco. She had the Jack Hansen. The English muffin is too small to hold all the onions and tomato. I had a Jazzbeaux, a hamburger on a sourdough roll with cheddar cheese and bacon.  Not good for me, but very good.

I should mention for the benefit of those not hip to the groove that Al "Jazzbeaux" Collins was a veteran disc jockey, mostly in New York and San Francisco. I remember him on KSFO and finally on KCSM. The Purple Grotteaux travelled with him.  This summer KCSM has been playing his old shows on Sunday nights. 

Later we went to 5 o'clock mass at Good Shepherd.  At the end, the Knights of Columbus had a ceremony to honor the altar servers.  Father Lu gave a talk and a blessing.  I like his enthusiasm. 

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