Sunday, June 1, 2014

Snoopathon, A Blogathon of Spies -- June 1, 2014

Fritzi at Movies Silently is hosting Snoopathon, A Blogathon of Spies.  My entry for the blogathon is on my new movies-mostly blog, The Big V Riot Squad:  Batman vs Dr. Daka

I go over the first chapter of the 1943 Columbia serial in great detail, hoping that people will get interested in seeing the movie.  My opening paragraph:
"Japanese spies, zombies, caped crusaders, a radium gun, an alligator pit and Ming the Merciless -- you can't go wrong with the 1943 Columbia movie serial Batman.  Well, actually, you could go wrong in a few ways.  There is a lot of racism directed at the villain, Doctor Daka and  his countrymen.  Columbia serials are not highly regarded by many serial lovers because of their minuscule budgets.  Every movie serial, especially 15-chapter serials like this one, has moments that drag.  Every movie serial has ludicrous plot elements.  On the other hand, Japanese spies, zombies, caped crusaders, a radium gun, an alligator pit and Ming the Merciless -- that's pretty cool." 

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