Thursday, June 26, 2014

Red Devils Return to Pacifica #8 -- June 26, 2014

Pacifica is one of the two cities on the San Francisco peninsula that allow the sale of fireworks. I was in the other city, San Bruno, on Wednesday and say a stand in a parking lot.  When I got back to Pacifica, I saw more stands.  I took a photo of this one in the parking lot at Pedro Point on 25-June-2014.  We had just eaten dinner at La Playa. 

Saturday after mass we drove down to Half Moon Bay and had dinner at Cameron's Pub and Inn, which is located in a former bordello with two double-decker buses parked outside. They serve as smoking rooms. I had shepherd's pie and my wife had bangers and mash. All good. 

In order to get to Half Moon Bay, we had to pass through the new Highway One detour.  They are replacing the bridge over San :Pedro Creek.  The road is coned off on the south side of Linda Mar Boulevard.  Traffic on One can turn left onto Linda Mar Boulevard, or right onto the road to Pedro Point and over the city's bridge.  Exits from the Pedro Point parking lot are blocked.  There is one entrance to the parking lot.  Near the Ace Hardware, there is a stoplight, where traffic can turn right to Pedro Point or slightly left to connect to Highway One.  The only exit from the parking lot is on Pedro Point road.  Traffic is going to be detoured for two years while they replace the bridge and remediate the creek bed.  It should reduce flooding. 

Yesterday, Tim Lincecum pitched his second no hitter for the Giants, his second against the Padres.  The only other Giants pitcher to have two no hitters was Christy Mathewson. 

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