Saturday, June 21, 2014

1930 Ruxton Sedan -- June 21, 2014

We visited the Blackhawk Museum in June, 2013 to drool over their collection of classic autos.  New Era Motors produced the Ruxton for a short time in 1929 and 1930.  The Budd Company, which later became famous for building railcars, built the bodies in Philadelphia.  Kissel built the transmission and running gear in Hartford, Wisconsin.  Moon assembled the cars in Saint Louis.  Kissel also assembled some of the cars. 

The car was unusually low because it used front-wheel drive.  The Woodlight headlights looked cool but didn't put out much light.  The car had no running boards. 

The beautiful paint scheme was designed by Joseph Urban who did scenic designs for the Ziegfeld Follies. 

The house of cards collapsed because of the Great Depression and general confusion after about 500 cars had been built. 

Be sure to click on the image to see a larger version.  (051/dsc_0067)

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