Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Military Supremacy of the Air -- May 7, 2014

The cover of the 29-December-1912 Scientific American featured "dirigibles of the leading European military powers."  The note next to the German Zeppelin at the top says that the German Empire had 20 dirigibles.  Great Britain had three dirigibles.  France had 16, Russia had 10 and Italy had 7.  I need to look for a copy of the article, "The Military Supremacy of the Air" by Theodore M. R. von Kler. Be sure to click on the image to see a larger version. 

Monday night, the Giants played the Pirates in Pittsburgh.  At one point the Giants were down 8-2.  They tied it at 10-10 in the top of the 9th.  The game went to the 13th when the Giants went ahead without getting a hit.  Tuesday night, the Giants tied the Pirates late in the game.  In the bottom of the 9th, a Pirate got a triple and then tried to go home when the throw got past the third baseman.  Buster Posey tagged him out, but the Pirates appealed.  The replay umpires in New York ruled that the runner was safe, so the Pirates won.  This was the first replay walk-off win.  All the replays we saw on television were not clear and decisive.  The Giants lost again today. 

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