Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stutz Displays Speed and Endurance -- April 29, 2014

The article and the ad about Ralph Cooper's victory at Corona in Riverside County are from the 13-September-1913 San Francisco Call.  Admission Day is September 9.  Portola Festivals were held in San Francisco in 1909 and 1913. 


Machine Is Feature of Corona Race and Is Praised by Driver Cooper


Big Village Boosters Are Back From South and Portola Advertising Trip

One of the most remarkable features of the Corona automobile race, which was run last Tuesday, Admission day, was the wonderful performance of the Stutz car driven by Earl Cooper. Not alone did the machine beat all others in the field and take first money, hut it completed the 301.81 miles without any mechanical adjustment necessary.

Earl Cooper, the "speed king." who has won every race during the last year in which he has entered, in speaking of the car yesterday, said:

"Not once during the entire race was I or my mechanician obliged to make any alteration in the mechanical adjustment of the machine. The car 'streaked' around the course with all the ease and grace of an eagle.

"In all my races I have used the Stutz. In Tacoma last month, and also at Santa Monica's recent meet I
navigated the track in this make."

Local auto men expect that all the racing machines which participated in the Corona meet will be brought to this city during the coming week Those dealers who had cars entered in the race will put them on display.

Great interest was attached to the special carload of boosters who traveled south to the race from this city.  The delegation was made up of local automobile men. under the auspice of the Big Village boosters. Everywhere the San Franciscans went they boosted for the Portola festival.

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