Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Matt Williams -- April 15, 2014

Inspired by the book Few and Chosen: Defining Giants Greatness Across the Eras by Giants great Bobby Thomson and Phil Pepe, I thought I would devote my nickname meme to Giants players for the next several months. 

I remember when José Uribe's wife died and Matt Williams got called up to play shortstop. He had a terrible game with many errors. When he got to play third base, he did much better. He also turned out to be a great hitter. 

He could do a good Babe Ruth imitation. 

I was sad when he went to the Cleveland Indians and sadder when he went to the new Arizona Diamondbacks.  He currently manages the Washington Nationals. 

I remember people calling him "Matt the Bat" on rare occasions.  Sadly, he played in a period when baseball nicknames were at a low ebb. 

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