Sunday, April 20, 2014

Churches Unite in Solemn Anthems At Great Festival of Easter -- April 20, 2014

Happy Easter, everyone.  This list of Easter Services is from the 07-April-1912 San Francisco Call.  Most of the Roman Catholic parishes are still active, except for Holy Cross and Saint Rose.  Notice Christian Yoga and Grace Pro Cathedral. 
Last night we went to Easter Vigil at Good Shepherd church.  I always like the darkness and the candles. 

Be sure to click on the images to see larger versions. 

Churches Unite in Solemn Anthems At Great Festival of Easter

The festival of Easter, at one time merely a commemoration of an event then fresh in the minds of all who took part but now surrounded with other observances giving it a varied significance, will be celebrated at nearly all of the churches of San Francisco today with special musical services.  Ecclesiastical musical history of all periods, from Gregorian chants to the most recent compositions of Dudey Buck, will be represented, either in the original form or in a present day adaptation in the vernacular, all for the one purpose, however, of recalling to mind the event of 1,912 years ago. 

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