Thursday, March 27, 2014

Big Tramp Steamships Arrive -- March 27, 2014

From the 22-September-1901 San Francisco Call. William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the newspaper. Click on the image for a larger view. 

F. S. Ciampa, Flying Italian Flag, Drops Anchor in Port.

Among the fleet that made port yesterday were the Italian steamship F. S. Ciampa and the British steamship Cycle.  Both were under charter to load wheat, but the Ciampa was twelve hours behind her canceling date, and now the charterer does not want to pay as high a rate. The matter will probably be amicably adjusted on Monday.

The Ciampa was 25 days coming from Talcahuano, while the Cycle was 24 days coming from Hiogo. The former is 4040 tons gross and 2634 tons net burden. She was built in Genoa, Italy, in 1899, by N.
Odero & Co., and is 340 feet 5 inches long, 45 feet beam and 19 feet 8 inches deep.  Captain Cafaiero, who commands her, has scores of friends in this port, as he traded here for years in the ship Francesco Ciampa.

The Cycle is 3411 tons gross and 2227 tons net burden. She was built in Sunderland. England, in 1900, by J. L. Thompson & Sons, Ltd., and is 331 feet 2 inches long, 49 feet beam and 24 feet 5 inches deep. Each steamship will take away about 5000 tons of grain.

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