Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year #7 -- January 1, 2014

I wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.

 The drawing is from the 31-December-1913 San Francisco Call. It isby Hearst artist Nell Brinkley, who was famous for her "Brinkley Girls."  In 2009, we saw a Nell Brinkley exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum.  As we looked at a page from "Golden Eyes and her Hero, Bill, Over There," I said to my wife "You can say a lot of bad things about William Randolph Hearst, but he liked comics and illustrations." My wife said "And scantily clad blondes." In fact, my wife said the character looked like Marion Davies. I thought that relationship had started later, but actually they were already together when the stories were published.

My new mostly-movies blog launched today:  The Big V Riot Squad

Last night we went to a nice four-course dinner at the Moonraker in Rockaway Beach.  It was a four-course tasting menu.  We enjoyed it very much. 

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