Friday, January 3, 2014

Genuine Grafonola -- January 3, 2014

This ad, from the 30-December-1913 San Francisco Call and Post, offers a limited number of Genuine Grafonolas for $38.90.  The Grafonola was the Columbia Phonograph Company's product intended to complete with the Victor Talking Machine Company's Victrola.  Both machines used an internal horn. 

"At last a thoroughly desirable, well made Talking Machine, with top, is obtainable for less than $50.00. Tomorrow we will offer a limited number of the latest 1914 genuine Grafonolas at $38.90.  Price includes 12 selections and 300 needles. We enthusiastically say it is the greatest money's worth ever offered. Embodies all the desirable features of the higher priced models, such as Metal Motor Board, Bayonet Joint Tone Arm, No. 6 Reproducer, Unobstructed Tone Chamber, Tone Control Leaves, etc. Plays both Columbia and Victor records. Cabinet is 16 inches high with top. Only a limited number, so shop early. Other models up to $500.00."

The Emporium, "The Big E," was a department store on Market Street in San Francisco.  The store opened in 1896 in the Parrott Building, which is not to be confused with the Parrott Block on Montgomery Street.  The façade was preserved when the store was demolished to make way for a Bloomingdale's.  I fondly remember the Roof Rides. 

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