Monday, December 2, 2013

The Dippy Mad Magician -- December 2, 2013

Frank Van Hoven started out as a juggler, but wasn't very good at it.  He became a magician, but he wasn't very good at that, either.  He became a funny magician and was very good at that.  He combined simple magic tricks with comic bits like having volunteers hold heavy blocks of ice while he tried to make things appear within them. 

This ad appeared in the 25-June-1915 Variety.  Someone must have tried to steal his act.  The White Rats were a union for vaudeville performers. 

"According to newspaper notices, I have scored one of the largest individual hits ever registered in England, not even barring the Zeppelins."  Very tasteful. 

This is the 2000th post in my blog. 

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