Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela, RIP -- December 6, 2013

We left work early today to have a team-building bowling party at Yerba Buena Gardens and then a retirement dinner for one of our people at Buca de Beppo.  While we waited for the food, one of the people looked at her phone and said "Nelson Mandela died."  Several people commented on what a fighter he was.  When I got in the car on the way home, NPR was running a special on his life. 

I remember him being in prison much of the time I was growing up.  I didn't see how apartheid could end without bloodshed.  But then I couldn't see how the Soviet Union could fall without a war.  Mandela could have called for a revolution when he got out of prison, but he was willing to talk and negotiate. 

The world has lost a good human being in President Mandela. 

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