Monday, December 23, 2013

Candlestick Park -- December 23, 2013

The San Franisco 49ers played the last regular season game at Candlestick Park.  They beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-24.  The last 49ers game I attended was played at Kezar Stadium before the 49ers moved to Candlestick in 1971.  I went to many Giants games at Candlestick and have fond memories of watching Willie Mays, Bobby Bonds, Jack Clark, Will Clark, Bobby Thompson, Barry Bonds and many others. 

My wife and I often talk about a 14-inning game against the Astros.  We gave up in the 13th when we couldn't feel our feet anymore.  The Giants won in 14.  I got rid of my thermal longjohns a few years after the Giants moved to their current ballpark. 

I used to go to day games while I was in college.  I sat in a certain section so I could run up the aisle and get right on a 28-Ballpark Express home. 

I remember the three flags in the outfield blowing in three different directions. 

I don't think I'll feel bad when the park gets torn down. 

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