Sunday, November 3, 2013

Muni Heritage Festival 2013 #2 -- November 3, 2013

Yesterday we went downtown for Muni's Heritage Festival.  We missed rare original-condition O'Farrell-Jones-Hyde cable car 42 at California and Drumm.  Later, we found it in the hole.  That is where I took this image.  Note that there is no end door to permit the grip to be changed. It also lacks the substantial bumper that the California Street cars now carry.

We took Cal Cable 54 out to Grace Cathedral. When we came out, 42 passed going outbound.  We crossed the street and waited for it to return.  We had a nice ride back to Market. As we went through the Financial District, a bride and groom flagged the car and asked it they could pose for a picture.  The gripman said they could if they did it quickly. 

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