Thursday, October 3, 2013

Firehouse #72 -- October 3, 2013

The New York Tribune of 05-September-1910 published the design of a new type of standardized firehouse for New York City. 


Department Prepares to Erect 20 Fireproof Buildings.

Plans for the standard pattern flrehouses to be erected in the most congested districts shown by the late census are complete and Fire Commissioner Waldo is ready to begin work any day this week. Eighteen will be erected as soon as possible and two others somewhat later.

These new firehouses will be fireproof and built without wood. By standardizing the new houses Commissioner Waldo expects to save money. The new houses will cost about $30,000 to $40,000 for the small and $50,000 to $60,000 for the larger ones.

The sites of the new houses follow:

Manhattan — 111th street and Second avenue, 50th street and Lexington avenue, 181st street between Amsterdam and Audubon avenues, and No. 191 Fulton street
The Bronx — Morris avenue, between 168th and 169th streets, Prospect avenue and 152nd street, and Bailey avenue and Albany Road, Unionport.
Richmond — Sarah Ann and Hanna streets, Tompkinsvile.
Brooklyn — Nos 499 and 491 St. Johns Place, Twelfth avenue and 42d streets No. 582 Knickerbocker avenue, Nos. 244 and 246 Loraine street, Metropolitan avenue and Varick street, and Seventh avenue and 50th street.
Queens — Spruce street and Atlantic avenue, and Central and Mott avenues.

The designs for the new houses show a basement simply treated in stone, and above this and extending up through the remaining stories of the building a series of windows, with pilaster treatment on either side.

The only ornamental feature of the front consists of the arms of the city in low relief panel at the second story level. 

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