Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fog Fest 2013 -- September 28, 2013

Today we went to the Pacifica Fog Fest.  We had not gone for a while.  My wife worked at the booth for Good Shepherd School and marched in the parade.  I took photos, like this one of one of the Pacifica Historical Society's cars, with a model of the Little Brown Church on the roof.  There were lots of kids. 

After the parade, I went to the real Little Brown Church to see the premiere of the Pacifica Historical Museum.  Downstairs, they had a book sale and refreshments.  In the room upstairs, they had two exhibits, on the tunnel and on surfing. 

Then I walked around and visited the Good Shepherd booth.  The kid in the Blazer the Dolphin mascot costume got a lot of attention. 

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