Thursday, August 29, 2013

Yachts Will Spread Their White Wings -- August 29, 2013

From the 22-April-1905 San Francisco Call. William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the newspaper.  I wonder if this painting survived the 18-April-1906 Earthquake and Fire.  I doubt it because the headquarters of the Olympic Club burned in the fire.  Click on the image for a larger view. 

With the America's Cup and preliminary races coming to San Francisco Bay this summer, I thought I would post pictures of some racing yachts.  



 Amateur Tars to Receive Guests on Board Gayly Decorated Pleasure Craft.

Jolly Supper and Jinks for the Sailor Boys

 The yachting season of 1905 will be opened to-day. Large flags will fly over the home of the San Francisco Yacht Club at Sausalito and all the available bunting will be employed to decorate the pleasure craft lying at
anchor off the water front. Not quite all the fleet is in commission yet. but the finishing touches are being put on as rapidly as possible and in a week or two all the yachts will be ready for cruising.

During the afternoon there will be music and dancing in the main hall of  the clubhouse , and impromptu receptions on board the yachts. The reception at the clubhouse will be from 2:30 to 530 p. m. At 7 o'clock supper will be served in the boatroom and at 8:15 the yachtsmen and their friends will adjourn to the main hall for the jinks. There will be vocal and instrumental music, story telling an exhibition of Japanese self-defense and other interesting items. At 11 o'clock a light supper will 'be served. At midnight a launch will leave the club float to convey back to San Francisco such of the guests as desire to return to their homes. To-morrow morning: the opening cruise of the season will be taken, the signals being griven from the sloop Challenger, W. G. Morrow's flag ship.

The sloops Espy, Sans Souci, Merope, Amigo and Phoenicia, which for. several seasons past have sailed under the flag of the Corinthian Club, will fly the San Francisco burgee this year. Espy has been renamed Nautilus and Sans Souci will be called White Heather. It is likely that Phoenicia will sail under a new appellation.

On Saturday, the 29th inst. the Corinthian Yacht Club will hold its opening reception and dance in the afternoon at its Tiburon Quarters.  At night the opening jinks will be given.  On Sunday, the 30th, the opening cruise of the season will be held on signal from Commodore T. Jennings' sloop Speedwell.

It has been decided that the opening entertainment of the Oakland Canoe Club shall be held on Saturday, May 6, and the first cruise on Sunday, May 7.  Commodore Charles Stewart's sloop Beatrice, while waiting to go upon the ways at Alameda. had a hole punched in her by a sunken pile. A new plank has been inserted and she is as sound as ever. A schedule of events for the season is nearly ready.

A Dalton Harrison, commodore of the Encinal Yacht Club, announces that the season will be opened on Saturday. May 20 with an afternoon of races and aquatic sports, in which the Oakland Canoe Club has been invited to take part. In the evening a dance will be given in the Encinal clubhouse.

The South Coast Yacht club will open the season with a race on Saturday the 29th inst. The course, will be six miles to leeward of the anchorage off Terminal Island and back. The event is open to all yachts in, the club. The owner of the winning boat will receive a handsome cup presented by J. Pugh.  On June 17 the South Coast Yacht Club will hold one of the most ambitious yacht races ever held on the Pacific Coast. This will be a race from San Pedro around Santa Barbara Island and back, a distance of 110 miles. It is expected that two days will be required to cover the course.


W. A. Coulter, The Call's Marine Artist, Paints a Striking Picture for Louis Rosenfeld.

W. A. Coulter, The Call's marine artist, has just completed a canvas for Louis Rosenfeld, which will interest yachtsmen and all those who love the water. Mr. Coulter, who knows every rope and spar in use on a sailing vessel, has grouped twenty of the best known yachts of the bay on a canvas eight feet by three. Some are reaching on the port tack. Others are running free, while the remainder are on the starboard tack. For a background the artist shows Sausalito, Mount Tamalpais, Alcatraz and Angel islands.

The painting is intended for presentation to the Olympic Club and will be hung in a conspicuous place in the big Post-street building.

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