Friday, August 16, 2013

Bioscope 1 Year -- August 16, 2013

One year ago today, 16-August-2013, Luke McKernan, proprietor of my favorite blog, The Bioscope, announced that "it’s time to call a halt to writing about film, at least for the time being, and in this form. I’ve been writing for the Bioscope for just over five years, and I’ve probably said all I want to say about silent films. It’s become a chore, and I want to be doing other things ... Thank you all old friends and new for having read the blog over these past five years, and for often having said such kind things about it. But it’s time to move on to the next venture, whatever that might be."

This was a stunner.  I had seen blogs end before, usually by just stopping without any announcement or ceremony, but this was a blog with a wealth of good information, good writing, and good fellowship among the writer and the visitors.  I always looked forward to the next post.  I made more comments on The Bioscope than any other blog. 

I encourage anyone who has not visited The Bioscope to go there and look around.  You'll find many wonderful items.  I particularly recommend the About link, which leads to many of the most useful postings on the site. 

I checked with Luke last week to see how he was doing and to ask if he'd mind if I mentioned the anniversary.  He had no problem with it.  He says The Bioscope is history now, but he is concerned about the reference sections, which will gradually become outdated.  He may decide to make some updates in those areas.  Luke said that he is working on a new site about cinema, which will debut later this month.  I'm looking forward to it. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Joe, and thank you for all the contributions you made to the Bioscope over the years. I veer between wanting to make some cosmetic changes to it and leaving as it is, a record of things as they were up to 2012. The latter may be the wiser course of action.

    The new site should be ready to go on September 1st.


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