Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ardenwood Farm Railroad Fair Coming Soon -- August 24, 2013

If you are looking for something to do this Labor Day weekend, I can recommend the Thirteenth Annual Washington Township Railroad Fair at Ardenwood Historic Farm Regional Park in Fremont. Every year, the Society for the Preservation of Carter Railroad Resources brings in a steam locomotive to replace their regular horse-drawn rail operation. There are rides on steam-drawn trains and handcars. There is a large garden railroad display, and all the regular animals and farm equipment and the beautiful Patterson house.

Visiting for the fourth straight year is Ann Marie, an 1890 Porter 0-4-0T, Cortez Mining Company 1. 

It is well worth a visit.  This year the Bay Bridge will be closed for the opening of the new eastern span over Labor Day weekend, so those of us coming from the west may find more traffic than usual on the Dumbarton Bridge.  .

I took this photo of Ann Marie running by her train at Deer Park on Labor Day Weekend, 2012.

The SPCRR is building a car house to provide shelter for its collection.

Society for the Preservation of Carter Railroad Resources:

Fair flyer:

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