Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Speedway Films Superb -- July 30, 2013

From the 10-July-1915 Motography.  

Speedway Films Superb

As announced exclusively in the last issue of MOTOGRAPHY, the pictures taken at the Chicago Speedway on Saturday, June 26, for President Aaron M Gollos of the Photoplay Releasing Corporation by the Advance Motion Picture Company, under the personal direction of George Cox, one of Chicago's foremost producers, were shown the same evening at the Majestic theater, Chicago, creating intense enthusiasm.

On Monday, June 28, these same pictures were featured at the Orpheum theater in Chicago, as well as at the Colonial, another of the Jones, Linick and Schaefer houses, and it said were declared by the management of the theater to be the finest films depicting an automobile race that have ever been shown in the house.  Many hundreds of people were turned away early this week and tremendous bookings are being made on these Speedway pictures, which are exceptionally clear and well photographed.

Director Cox is deserving of the highest praise for the splendid results he has obtained, since the scenes showing the great crowds in the grandstands, the thousands of autos parked just outside the Speedway track, close-up views of the drivers and their mechanicians in their racing cars, and the race itself, in which the camera follows the cars all the way around the track and finishes with a close-up view of Resta, the winner, are undoubtedly intensely interesting to any lover of automobile racing and tremendously thrilling, not alone to those who saw the race, but the thousands who were unable to themselves visit the big bowl.  Without a doubt the picture will prove a tremendous drawing card in whatever theaters it is booked and will interest the public for weeks, if not months, to come. 

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